Monday, December 31, 2012

A toast to my friends

Just wanted to share a toast 
with my irregular family 
as midnight comes closer
Here is to a very happy 
New Year to all, 
 no matter how late you 
stay up tonite 
(I opened at work so I know
I won't be seeing midnight)
Now pass the jam and 
enjoy the end of this year as we know it, 
love you all!


  1. That is one of the greatest toasts EVER!!! Happy NY Lizardmom!

  2. Happy New Year to you and the family. I hope the New Year is good to all of you!

  3. Happy New Year Liz! Cheers! You still up? ;>

  4. yup, kk, I'm up for now, but I'm about ready to pass out... luckily I'm off tomorrow so I may try to stay awake til 9...
