Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my frosted flakes!  How are you?  We actually had a dusting of the s-word the other night.  I don’t know if that was considered measurable precipitation, but I know we were approaching a record for the number of days without the s-word.  By the way, I have had nothing to do with the ongoing drought.  As much as I hate the s-word, I wouldn’t mess with the natural order of things.  Mother Nature wouldn’t allow me to do it, anyway. 

Last Sunday, our sterling Green Bay Packers once again trounced their foe, the Detroit Lions.  This Sunday, December 16, they meet their archrivals, the Chicago Bears, at noon in Soldier Field.  Packer – Bear games are always hard fought battles.  May the Packers be the hardest. 

The news is filled with Fiscal Cliff this and Fiscal Cliff that.  It is incessant, almost as bad as Christmas songs.  Between the two, I’d choose the songs.  The failure of our representatives to compromise on anything is disheartening and dispiriting.  I am tired of listening to the rhetoric over and over.  Bone tired.  Politicians should keep their dirty games out of the holiday season.  I am ashamed of the things that ‘my representatives’ do.  Tis the season to be jolly.  Let the politicians go to hell. This is the time for peace on earth and goodwill toward men. Let us rejoice.  Let us love.  Let us pray.

Driving west on Washington Avenue in uptown, I noticed that traffic was constricted to one lane by barricades, but I couldn’t see why.  A story in the Journal Times explained that the façade of one of the buildings had pulled away and they feared for falling debris on pedestrians and vehicles.  Mr. Mayor Dickert says that the city is going to tear down the building posthaste.  I am afraid that we will be doing a lot of that.  They recently razed the fire-gutted building on the near north side of Douglas Avenue.  As more and more buildings are deserted, more will be torn down.  Oh my.

Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet?  Are you one of those who has your gifts wrapped up by September?  Or do you wait till the last minute, getting a rush from the commotion of all the other hurried shoppers?  Internet shopper or brick and mortar?  Personally, I have most of mine done, but there’s still a few items.  I like to wait until after Black Friday to do my shopping.  I bought a couple of things online, but I prefer to shop in person.  I like the hustle and the bustle of the crowds to a degree, but I won’t frantically fight for the last sale item.  It’s not worth troubling myself over a few dollars.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 

Thank you, my sweets and sours, for perusing my blog today.  I much appreciate your presence.  Without you, this wouldn’t work.  Without you, there’s no point.  Without you, there’s no me.

Want to know what Santa is bringing you?  Ask

The days continue to get darker and colder, but some people say it’s really going to heat up on December 21.  Bundle up, keep warm, and don’t let Jack Frost nip your nose.  Seriously, I heard he has herpes.   Molysomophobia!                  


  1. I'm looking forward to the Packers opening a can of Whip-ass on the the Bears this weekendd.

  2. Thank you Mdme. Zoltar for for sharing your insite with your JTIrr's family.

  3. I too like the shopping season Madame. Most of the people I've encountered have been kind and one shared a coupon with me.
    Thanks Madame for sharing.

  4. Mme. Z, Dickert beat you to it. He announced a "stabilization plan" for uptown. He's going to hire a consultant to come up with the plan for him. Dickert will stop at no expense of public funds to get his job done for him. He created a "Ten Year Plan" for the entire city. Why can't he put together this plan?
