Friday, December 14, 2012

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone and welcome back! It's been a week of running around and chasing from store to store. Tis the season huh? Anyways, some questions for you....

1) If you could be famous for doing anything, what would you want it to be?

2) Is it easier to win or lose with grace?

3)  When was the worst storm you where ever in?

4)  What is the one thing you miss the most about being a child?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1) want it to be?
    Saving a life.

    2) lose with grace?

    3) worst storm you where ever in?
    About 8 years ago going from Racine to Ft Wayne, IN. Took I-80 across the bottom of Lake Michigan and went thru a lake effect snow storm. A 5 hour ride took us 16 hours.

    4) miss the most about being a child?
    No worries...

  2. 1. A good person.

    2. Probably Win, but I usually don't care much either way.

    3. Hwy. 41 In front of Mercury Marine, outside Fon-Du-Lac. Worst thunder storm I ever saw. Had to get off 41 and stay In a Hotel. The whole downtown of the city flooded.

    4. No worries, or problems.

    GREAT questions Drew. VERY difficult.

  3. 1. I'd rather not be famous, infamous maybe :)
    2. I think it's about the same either way, yes, I'm competitive, but the end result doesn't get me either way but the road there does !
    3. It would be a toss up between a wicked summer storm when I was in my teens when a tornado took out the neighbors barn yet didn't touch our house (guess the farm field between us made all the difference); and the wicked storm a couple summers ago when the Dells were hit hard with the storm that wiped out the lake and surrounding areas that Tommy Barlett uses for their show, remember the video of the big houses getting swept away? We were having lunch at Pizza Pub, on the main drag when the storm hit that led to the flooding. 27th street had wicked flooding on our way home.
    4. Being taken care of, being a grown up isn't fun, well, not all the time. When everybody else gets sick, it's mom to the rescue. When moms sick, everybody avoids being around. I want somebody to take care of me like it used to be. Other than that, don't miss being a kid much

  4. 1. A philanthropist.

    2. It is always easier to win.

    3. February 2, 2010. Hurricane snow.

    4. Not being expected to have all the answers... less expectations and less guilt.

    Thanks drew.

  5. 1. She made the world a better place.

    2. Lose. It teaches a lot.

    3. My first snow storm here. I got out of work at midnight and the roads were almost impassible. Couldn't get off on my exit but got through the next one. Thank goodness I lived on a well traveled road. I was worn out when I got home.

    4. Innocence.

  6. 1) I would not want to be famous for anything. I would not be able to handle the media and not having a private life.

    2) Both was work good for me. I am not a sore loser.

    3) I would have been about 15yrs ago when a tornado touched down a block away from my place down in Illinois. It took a baby and the crib right out of the house and placed the baby and the crib down across the street and the baby was never harmed.

    4) Having my dad around with me. This time of the year is when I miss my dad the most.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend and I have to work the whole weekend!

  7. 1) If you could be famous for doing anything, what would you want it to be?
    A. A manager @ Mickey D's

    2) Is it easier to win or lose with grace?
    A. Winning, you get to set the example

    3) When was the worst storm you where ever in?
    A. When my 2 girlfriends met

    4) What is the one thing you miss the most about being a child?
    A. Older women

  8. 1) Being a rock star, I guess.

    2) Either way works for me.

    3) Probably a winter storm on the way north about seven years ago. It took us 5 hours to get from Appleton to near Crandon. A route that normally takes about 2 hours.

    4) No worries...

  9. 1) I want to be famous for being a recluse.

    2) Easier to win with grace.

    3) Late 70's Racine, there was a monster snowstorm. Everyone was advised to stay off the roads. So, of course, my wife and I drove to Milwaukee to see friends. We saw every type of vehicle stuck/stranded on the interstate, but our '63, full-sized Chevy just kept going and going. When we returned to Racine the next day, the snow banks from the plows were huge. A building collapsed in downtown Racine from the weight of the snow, but I don't remember the snow total.

    4) I miss my toys.

  10. 1) If you could be famous for doing anything, what would you want it to be?

    I wouls like to write a book that would become a best seller.

    2) Is it easier to win or lose with grace?

    I really do not have a problem with either, but winning is a hair easier.

    3) When was the worst storm you where ever in?

    I drove home from work at 2230 HRS in that blizzard a few years back.
    That was absolutely the scariest drive EVER!!

    4) What is the one thing you miss the most about being a child?

    Someone cooking for me.

  11. What type of person would ever introduce 2 girlfriends and not
    expect to have the pots and pans thrown at him. How those women think!

    When I cheated on my girlfriend
    I entered the Karma Cafe. There are no menus. I got served what I deserved. It enters the door and beats the crap out of you.

  12. The perfect storm:
    The wrath of two women coming together
    This one made me laugh

  13. Sort of like Orbi, but I wish to remain unknown for being a near recluse.

    Winning or losing with grace is easy when the playing field is fair and you have done your best.

    Several storms come to mind while on the water, all could have done me in.

    Deceased family and friends from my childhood days come to mind is what I miss most.
    History teaches you the future if you are willing to learn from the past.
