Friday, December 14, 2012

Open Blog - Friday

Another Betty Boop sighting.


  1. Betty is at it again
    Crazy ass naked I say
    What do the rest of the JTIrr's say
    Any special request for food or beverage at the Wackiest of the wacky End of The World Party should be be brought to our attention asap. The main stays are already secured.
    7 days and counting.

  2. yawn... rough night for sleep, legs decided to be super jumpy, geesh, what's a girl gotta do to get some sleep? I'm hoping the day flies by, my pillow misses me already!

  3. yawn... rough night for sleep, legs decided to be super jumpy, geesh, what's a girl gotta do to get some sleep? I'm hoping the day flies by, my pillow misses me already!

    Liz the only thing different between you and me, I couldn't deal with it and got up and 3:30 and went to the store to get a treat. Love the sweets.

  4. It's FRIDAY!!!! Happy day everyone. We are going to get rain. Yee haw.

  5. You know, there are some really sick bastards in this world. Tell me something, what can be accomplished by killing a bunch of kids in school. What kind of rage can you have that killing little ones will make you feel better.

  6. I need the 5th. Very sad news. Unfathomable.

  7. Please pray for the dead, the survivors, and all the victims of the Newtown, Conn. murders.

    The murder of the innocent by the raged, deranged or narcissistic mental cases seems to be increasing with little hope of stopping or slowing the needless killings.

    We must clean our government of the derelict, inept, evil, corrupt officials in order to start improving the quality of life for our future generations.

    Evil flourishes where good people do nothing.

  8. This is really sad. And it's occurring with increasing frequency. When I talked with mom about it, we decided the only explanation is that our country is sick, very sick.

  9. Truly saddened by the news.... the ways of the world create these
    crazies.... People become angry and snap. Then things begin to happen of this nature. Too many unanswered questions of what caused
    this most evil crime.
