Friday, December 28, 2012

Open Blog - Friday

The end of 2012, that is...


  1. I'll take #1 and pass on the 5th.

    We've misplaced jed, toad, huck and fungi. Has anyone seen them laying around anywhere?

  2. The holidays play hell with posting.

  3. We've misplaced jed, toad, huck and fungi.

    Maybe they're Domesday Preppers and are still hiding in their dugouts.

  4. Toad has been out on Facebook. Don't know about the rest.
    Sassa, Dodgeboy where are you guys.

    It's a snowy morning here. Have a great Friday everyone.

  5. I was sleeping, so nice when I can!
    Happy Friday one and all, stay warm!

  6. OMG...WTH...I got the fifth and did not plan it again... I WILL SHARE. Happy happy for everyone and may all your dreams come true, even if they are a result of
    some type of delerium.

  7. I turn it over to LIZARDMOM.. even tho we tied... it's her BDAY!
    Enjoy the fifth, LM...

  8. SER, Thanks for the thought. I have posted very little the last several days. I am In the middle of my annual anxiety/panic season. I'll tell ya what. Anybody that thinks these panic attacks are something that a person, can just shut off, Is completely out of THEIR mind. If someone has any ideas, I would certainly welcome them, and I'm not kidding. I do ALSO appologize for these depressing posts, for all of you during this time of Joy for most.

  9. Toad, it is what it is and we are what we are. Didn't the saying go, "Love means never having to say your sorry." (except if you peeve me off) ;>

    You are among friends here. We'll keep ya

  10. Toad, anxiety is a major problem for me. Because I'm an alky, they won't give me tranquilizers. I take buspirone, hydroxyzine, and Seroquel for anxiety. The Seroquel is what finally put a dent in it. They all make you sleepy.

  11. It is a depressing time for many. You are not alone, TOAD. Anxiety
    is such a common thing, as I work in the ER very often. I see this every day I work. People try to commit suicide so often... the only solution is to put them in the psych ward for about 3 days.
    This is almost no help to them.

    Every day is a new day. Take "baby steps " in a forward direction. Panic attacks are caused by something that triggers them to give you these symptoms. What is it that triggers them? Are you in a state that you are unable to
    change that can help fix the problem?
    Take some prescribed meds from the Doc. Get a good physical. Severe anxiety can be caused by physical illness and visa versa.

    Do not remain in a state of pain.
    Seek professional advice.

  12. Orb's, That must be horribly difficult. I can't imagine not having the Alpraz****. The sleepy part sucks, I know what you mean.

    BL, I spent 3 hours, and countless dollars, In ER on Christmas Night, now knowing If I was having a Panic Attack or a Heart Attack. This happens about once a year. I had a Stent put In 14 years ago, and never trust anything. Turns out to be PANIC. I only wish I could truly identify what bothers me? Thank You so much for your kind tips.

    KK, As usual your GIGANTIC heart spills kind words. Maybe KK should mean KIND K----, all of you people truly are my Best Friends.

  13. Toad... you are sweet for being so nice and saying such nice things!

  14. I'm here...just pondering...holidays can be such a bitch...sorry
