Monday, December 10, 2012

Open Blog - Monday

I'm late in posting this. I hope that no one was inconvenienced.


  1. sleep is good, Sheriff, no worries!

  2. It's snowing here again.. We didnt get much of a summer, but we are definitely getting a winter.. It's been about 15 degrees for the last week at least and in certain places we have drifts of snow about waist high... now we are adding more to it..

    Maia and I are home sick today.. head feels like it would love to explode.. I just took some medicine so hopefully I will feel more human in a bit..

    Anyways so far it's a pretty easy going week, not much work scheduled which is good when I'm not feeling good anyways.. hoping to be better by Thursday as it is St. Lucia celebrations here in Sweden.. it is always so pretty and Maia has a little "concert" at her preschool..

    Anyways hope you all have a good Monday..

  3. Uh-oh, Why Not, this is starting out just like last winter. In Wisconsin, they got some snow up north, you could see it on the Packers game, but nothing to brag about here.

    Sorry to hear that you and Maia are not feeling well.

  4. We've beaten the record of days in a row with no measurable snow. 280? I think they said.

    Sheriff, Tihe season to be tardy
    We really appreciate the easy conversation you consistently provide for us.

    Why Not, hope you are feeling better..and the little ones, too.

    I'm off to work.Have a good day everyone.

  5. I plead the fifth again!!!....jeez... this is not planned. You are right, KK. Getting sloshier by the day!

  6. I'll take 6th. Sorry to hear you and Maia are not feeling well Why Not. Wish we had the snow Green Bay got last night. All we got was the cold 22 this morning.

  7. Why Not, hope you and the little one are feeling better.

    We got hit with 14" of snow yesterday. Now it's awful cold!

  8. Sheriff... you are the best... and so is the rest of the gang. Work sucks, I should have played the powerball.

  9. I it were up to me, just after Christmas it would start raining, a real nice soft rain and rain until February 1.

    We need the ground water not the snow and cold.

    Are you listening God...Hey God, you listening?

  10. I keep forgetting to wish Maia and WHY NOT a speedy recovery!
