Hello, my fabulous friends!
How are you?
More trees are
turning colors every day.
More shed
their leaves.
It’s beginning to look
like fall.
The temperatures feel like
it, too.
I must say that whoever did the
plantings and maintenance in downtown Racine
this year did a grand job.
The flowers, grasses
and greenery were beautiful all summer long.
That must have taken a lot of watering during our drought.
Thank you to all who put their efforts into
The Green Bay Packers vs. Seattle Seahawks game last night
made national news. Our majestic and
admirable Packers were the victims of the substitute referees’
incompetence. I’m quite sure that we
will have to live with the loss. Dear
Pack, don’t let this get you down.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Use the defeat to fire your ire against the New
Orleans Saints this Sunday, Sept. 30, at 3:25
p.m., in Lambeau Field. If
the substitute officials continue to blow calls, don’t be surprised if some
“outside interference” affects the game.
Something has to be done to counteract the NFL’s negativity. I’m positively sure of that.
Until now, I have kept my mouth shut publicly concerning
“Mr. Racine,” Mark Eickhorst, the part time supervisor who drove one of the jail
inmates on a work detail to the inmate’s girlfriend’s home, where the inmate
allegedly beat her.
http://www.journaltimes.com/news/local/mr-racine-admits-mistake-after-inmate-escape/article_3e2a799e-0316-11e2-bb69-0019bb2963f4.html He’s called “Mr.
Racine” because he has a weekend radio show on WRJN.
Until now, I haven’t said anything about the
sheer stupidity and irresponsibility of Mr. Eickhorst’s actions.
“Mr. Racine?”
I guess even the criminal element deserves a representative.
I’m quite sure that Mr. Eickhorst’s
connections to Mr. Mayor Dickert prevented him from being charged with a
It really upsets me to see the
law perverted like that.
It upsets me
even more than the blown call in Monday’s Packer game.
I know that our city can do so much better.
We the people, the real Mr. and Mrs. Racine,
don’t deserve the corruption that we receive from our local “representatives.”
I will not end my blog on a negative note. Instead, I’ll tell you a gypsy joke.
Q: Why do gypsy men walk funny?
A: Because they have crystal balls.
Oh dear, shame on me.
I hope you enjoyed the joke and the blog today. Thank you for stopping by and spending a
little time with me. I love new visitors
and readers.
Q: Where do gypsies go to get their fortunes told?
Enjoy the outdoors while we still can. Be watchful for school buses and children on
the road. Dusk comes earlier and earlier
each day. Sorry, I can’t make it to the
impromptu get-together tomorrow. Have a
very good time, my dears. Rugose!