Friday, January 11, 2013

"Asian Squat Toilets"

God bless the Internet.


  1. Oh gosh, Orbs! Where do you find these things.... And the better question is WHY?

  2. MC…this is a highly educational video. It helps expand your mind on the “how to” pee.

  3. All joking aside. I wonder what the incidence of Colon Cancer Is where they do this? BECAUSE of the modern toilet, It is sometimes believed we do NOT perform best sitting the way we do?

  4. Yes, it's educational. I didn't know squat about this before.

  5. Caution: strong thigh muscles and excellent balance required. I'm sure I'd miss and soak my pants.

  6. MinnesotaChick almost had the perrrrrfect comment.

    Where do you find this shit?

    Toad practice the educational video and let us know how you are doing in 5 years.

    kk: u no watch video well, u pull down pants once, o how u say first.
    stong thigh muscules veery veery goooood in china

  7. Now that was funny.

    Ever see the movie Mr. Baseball?

    I'm waitin on a video about how they use the 3 sea shells in Demolition Man. They left that one hanging...

  8. After a few minutes workin google, Here is how Sly answered the question of the 3 sea shells.

    9. For the love of all that is good and Holy. How do you use the 3 seashells?! Louis Saucedo Dallas, Texas

    OK, this may be bordering on the grotesque, but the way it was explained to me by the writer is you hold two seashells like chopsticks, pull gently and scrape what’s left with the third. You asked for it…. Be careful what you ask for, sorry.

  9. You gotta be irregular to talk about the stuff....laugh'in

  10. Forget it! I'll just use the outhouse.

  11. Those outhouses must have been mighty cold on winter mornings. If you sat, your butt might freeze to it.

  12. Well yimy 49

    how u say Gastropods, Bivalves and Univalves in ingish, an wit one is more good?

  13. When you live in Wisconsin, you got used to it....

  14. Ask any woman who has had to hide behind foilage on the side of the road. It doesn't matter how far you pull them down.. The inability to aim is not your friend... lol

    We are irregular, indeed. And thank goodness for that!

  15. Legal, I couldn't do a "Squat" (and get back up) even ONCE. I was just sayin, we don't quite get It all OUT by not squating, and theory has It, that Is why we have a high incidence of Colon Cancer? Two of my sisters died from the horrible disease, and I spent many day's looking online for information, because I figured, It was In my genes? (no pun intended) Heart Disease, Colon Cancer, what else could a family ask for?

    Orb's, You did It again. "You didn't know squat" LOL

  16. Take the cue from Toad:
    Colon cancer is a leading killer in the U.S.
    get checked regularly - irregulars!
