Monday, January 21, 2013

Useless Information

Did you know:

There were 6 presidents still alive at the same time twice recently in history.

One was at the time of Bill Clintons Inauguration in 1993 still alive were:
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan
George H. W. Bush
Bill Clinton

Even more recently, George Bush Junior at the time of his inauguration:
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan
George H. W. Bush
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush


  1. My top picks would be

    1) Bill Clinton
    2) Richard Nixon
    3) For a little humor Ronald Reagan

    To me, the rest where pretty much useless

  2. I'm curious SER, why Richard Nixon?

  3. I think Jimmy got a bad rap and Regan was way overpraised. The best of the lot was was wild Bill. Go figure. He was actually "impeached. " What powerful person doesn't find the need to lie a little bit? ;>

  4. Mary, I always thought Nixon had his shit together; unfortunately he got caught seeking information, the Watergate deal. He wasn’t doing anything any other president hasn’t done, he just plain got caught. He should never have resigned.

    Now Reagan when everyone was discussing Iran Contra thing, Reagan said he fell asleep at the conference table and that was that, no one questioned it. He knew damn well what the haps where.

    What was the REAL difference, they both lied, both got caught, but in Nixon’s case it was a party thing, Democrats vs. Republicans, both wanted and still do today to be the “Boss Hog.

  5. Chilly Willy is the only current living president to have a balanced budget. I wonder what Monica's mother thought when the cum stained dress arrived in the mail. Can you imagine those conversations between mother and daughter.
    Is presidential cum worth more than other government samples? I don't think so!
    As I rate the living and recent Presidents
    1. boinkin bill- less davidians
    2 bonzo boy- less iran/contra
    3 tricky dicky- less watergate
    Now you now have to go to Eisenhower to find a president that did more good than bad.
    Johnson==quadruple evil
    Ford=== incompetent
    Carter===incompetent and ball less
    Bush===conniving,threat to bill of rights
    Bush====dumb and misled, greater threat to bill of rights and diminished bill of rights
    Obama=== socialistic, narcissistic,racist, bastard child, extortionist,murderer, destroying bill of rights ect.ect.ect
    Obama is another tyrant leading the sheeple like Hitler led the German population.

  6. Nixon opened the door to China. Now they're beating our ass every which way.

    Clinton signed NAFTA. Now they're beating our ass every which way.

    I'm a confirmed isolationist.

  7. The bad part about China is people are starting to make more money and they will end up buying automobiles which suck gas and that will be the end of the world. China will suck the planet dry of petroleum products.

    When NAFTA first started I knew it was going to be a good thing for US business men but only for a short time and it would ‘flip-flop’, and it did. Many businesses did well then lost out; they didn’t ‘bail out’ fast enough. I thought it (NAFTA) would only last about 5 to 7 years, that’s where I was wrong.

  8. I forgot to include the Patriot act signed by the bushwacker as a HUGE negative to the rights of Americans.

    Feingold was the lone voice of reason voting against the Patriot Act.

    I wonder if Baldwin and Johnson will have the integrity to remove the criminal Holder from office and bring Holder to trial for murder and treason.

  9. Uncle Martin took care of all our worldly needs. Jimmy was a bad rapper and billy was "inbleached" for monica's dress.
