Two hot stories from Racine Communicator News:
1) City Appeals Court Decision on Union Contract:
The city signed a contract with union workers, then Dickert tried to renege on the contract. A judge ruled that the contract is valid. It's a clear cut case. Now Dickert is appealing that decision. All of this idiocy funded by taxpayer money. The lawyers are making a killing off of Dickert's Racine.
2) Racine's CAR 25 - In Their own Words:
The slimy story of Dickert's power grab for CAR 25 is being read and told by more and more people. The arrogance of lying John is infinite.
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
Dishonest John is as slimy as they come!
How Much Is That Doggie In The Window
Get ready for the tax increases that are headed your way!
I thought your City was BROKE? Why do they have so much money for lawsuits? We have the same problem here.
Lying John keeps telling us we're broke, but, obviously, he's a liar. We work hard to make our city a decent place to live and for that we get lies, lies, and more lies from our lying mayor and lying Common Council. They give away our money to their friends, then cry like babies for more. Lying John is signing multimillion dollar contracts, but telling us we have no money. Each one of those contracts will spawn a lawsuit. We pay for it, lying John just keeps lying.
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