Friday, February 8, 2013

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Four for Fridays after a fun filled week of snow and other interesting items! Anyways some questions for you....

1) When clearing snow do you use a snow blower or a shovel?

2)  What do you feel strongly enough about to protest?

3) What book can you read over and over again? 

4) How do you manage stress?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1) When clearing snow do you use a snow blower or a shovel?

    A: I use a shovel, a leaf blower, a two cycle, single stage snow blower and a Case/Ingersoll 224 garden tractor with a 38" snow thrower. AR AR AR (Tim Allen Grunt)

    2) What do you feel strongly enough about to protest?

    A: Political stuff. I always SAY I'm going to protest but I never do.

    3) What book can you read over and over again?
    A: Do car magazines count? How about a service manual?

    4) How do you manage stress?
    A: I don't, stress manages me.

  2. What's snow?
    Human rights
    I don't have one book, but, I do know that a book I read in my twenties is a totally different read for me now. I find my opinions and values have changed as I get older. Things I considered in one light then take on an entirely different meaning now.
    Manage stress? That's a joke. If you find a way to manage it, patent the idea and sell it on Amazon!

  3. 1. Mostly a shovel. Snow blowers are too big and "manly " to manage.

    2. I picketed over the union busting tactics the one sided slim majority pushed through last year. I froze my butt off, was verbally abused and flipped off. It did no good, other than to raise awareness. I most likely will not do it again. It had nothing to do with the reduction in pay because that was immediately accepted by the union members, it was all about silencing our voices.

    3. Nothing. I barely have time to read. I prefer new material. My comprehension must be too good or my attention span is too short.

    4. I should have waited to be the 5th post? Actually, I play games to relax.

  4. 1) I don't shovel, my kids or grandkids do it for me

    2) The President of the US, our Governor, Racine’s Mayor and the price of gas. I do personal protests; I cuss at them by myself.

    3) None

    4) What is stress?

  5. 5th...Thanks KK

    1. Shovel on a very big driveway. Blowing is meant for other things.

    2. Not a damn thing...I am not a complainer.

    3. The Bible & Maxim

    4. KK is on the right track, can't stress when you have the 5th.

    Nice job Drew, as always.

  6. 1) We don't have to. That is the nice thing about living in an apartment. But when I did it would be a shovel.

    2) Nothing

    3) My Little House on the Prairie books.

    4) It is best to let me be by myself.

    I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. We are going to go up north when Drew gets off of work!

  7. 1. Snow Blower, and I do the people on each side of me. One is a teacher with a little baby, and her husband travels alot, and the one on the other side is a nurse who works nights. Trying to be neighborly

    2. The killing of whales, and constitutional rights. And Beer, will protest for beer.

    3. I dont. I am a one and done reader.

    4. Music gets rid of my stress. People at work know that if there is Rush coming out of my office LOUD, to leave me be until I turn it down.

  8. 1) When clearing snow do you use a snow blower or a shovel?
    A. shovel is preferred, but also use a truck with a plow

    2) What do you feel strongly enough about to protest?
    A. Corruption in government, the protection of civil rights,(rights neglected are soon rights lost), The murderer Eric Holder and accomplices. Taxation without representation. and I will continue to carry the message by marching, by poster, and by blogs.

    3) What book can you read over and over again?
    A. Instruction manual on women

    4) How do you manage stress?
    A. exercise

    Have a great weekend everybody!

  9. 1. Shovel

    2. City and County Governments.

    3. I don't like reading books.

    4. Alprazolam, I'm sorry to say.

  10. 1) When clearing snow do you use a snow blower or a shovel?
    I don't have to clear snow now, but in the past I operated shovels, one and two stage blowers, and a truck w/plow. Also spread salt.

    2) What do you feel strongly enough about to protest?
    Nothing local. Everything is great in Racine.

    3) What book can you read over and over again?
    I would say Jack Kerouac's On the Road, but I don't read much anymore except online.

    4) How do you manage stress?

  11. 1) When clearing snow do you use a snow blower or a shovel?

    I use my power to get everyone else to do it. Plus my spade is shot from trying to use it as a pogo stick after last weeks video.

    2) What do you feel strongly enough about to protest?

    Animal rights, and the 2nd Amendment, and stupid people in general. I would go right in front of their homes, butt off their property. I can talkshit, but I back myshit up.

    3) What book can you read over and over again?

    Too many books to read, thus I probably would not reread any book.
    I may watch a movie version.

    4) How do you manage stress?

    Stress eats away at me and I believe in medication if it gets that unmanageable. Always save
    a pill for a martini and it gets better for a while.

  12. Looks like I'm really LATE for my own party!

    1) Good thing that I live in an apartment, I don't have to worry about this. If I did, I'd use a flamethrower.

    2) Anything that has to with the environment.

    3) The Lord of the Rings

    4) Music, beer and birding...
