Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday

Have a good one.


  1. I was sleeping :) and didn't oversleep this time, whew!
    Happy Tuesday one and all!

  2. Home again with the girls, feels like we are constantly sick in this house.. tomorrow they can go back, but now Maia is showing signs of a pretty good cold coming (we are home because she puked on Sunday evening and all the kids have to be home for at least 48 hours of someone getting sick in the household).. So we will see if she goes in tomorrow.. certainly hope so, really need to get going on my school stuff..

  3. Checking in on this rainy/snowy Tuesday.

  4. Why Not, they should outlaw colds in Sweden, then there wouldn't be any.

    Mary, WHAT SNOW? :)

  5. Wow, we are having a beautiful snowfall. They didn't think it would stick because it's been warm but they were wrong. Sweet!

  6. Good evening Mr. Orbs
    I do hope today has found you in good health.
    As we await the bedtime game finally from Ms. kk, I do wish all in Irregularland a most pleasant evening.
    Mme. Z had informed me telepathically about the snow in Oklahoma several days ago, but i forgot to inform the irregulars about such an event. tsh tsh
    the aging mind.

    Andromodo has spoken

  7. (we are home because she puked on Sunday evening and all the kids have to be home for at least 48 hours of someone getting sick in the household)..

    Who Not is that a law over there, a self-quarantine?

  8. damn i hat auto correct sometimes

    Why not Who.....

  9. Hello... I have returned and had my test. Yesterday was quite unpleasant because I had to drink 3 different concoctions..the very first one gave me a tremendous headache and nausea. I slept lots during that time.
    Today the exam was fairly easy...had to have 2 polyps removed and have 3 ulcers in the
    lower esophagus. New pill to take
    and wait for biopsies.

    But had food and that was great!
    Now sitting at the fireplace with my cute little doggies.
    And watching some guy sleeping with
    mouth open in the other recliner...nawh hahaha... picture time!!
