Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday

Fruit is good for you.


  1. 3 at 3am. I am in such sleeping trouble!

  2. Thank you SER and everybody, I will gladly accept the 5th...All I can say is that looks to be one happy banana, if you get my drift...oh and everybody have a P & P day, whatever that works out to be.

  3. Glad to see you have the 5th locked up Jed and glad to see you back.

    Well our winter storm turned out to be a bust for OKC. We got a trace of snow and that's it. Did see a picture of a house that had a snowdrift in the backyard that was higher than the house. No thanks. Western Oklahoma got it and that is fine as it will help out the drought. Have a safe snowy day everyone.

  4. I am Letter "I".... the 9th letter of the alphabet.... it is all about ME today. Nyuk Nyuk.

  5. Holy Camoly!!! Just got in from the tundra. How quickly things change. The roads are terrible. Hope you have your provisions so you can sit back and ride it out!

  6. I'm going to bed and dreaming this is only rain, and hopefully when I get up and try getting to work even earlier than I usually do, the road will be wonderful! (2:30am, that should be do-able, right???)

  7. Lizardmom...just follow a plow into work and stay behind it. But just make sure that he does not start plowing some lot like WalMart. You both will going back and forth and will surely be late.

  8. Oh BLB you are killing me. Thanks for the belly laugh.

  9. BlB got stuck in her driveway tonight @ 7 o'clock. Back and forth back and forth, she forgot to follow the truck Guessing 8 inches of wet, heavy, frickin, frackin, heartattackin snow.
    And it ain't over till the weather witch sings.

  10. Who's BIB? Is that your Bay-bay?

    And a knick Knack frickin frack
    Heart attackin snow
    This ol' man moves way too slow!

    Sing it again!

  11. I'm the fat lady who sings
    enough of this shit, let it snow

  12. And unfortunately for them, I know two people who are trying to fly out to Florida tomorrow morning.
    Wish it would have been us that got the snow.
    Then again this morning there was a dusting on the cars and sure enough saw a car pull in across the St. that the rear window was covered in snow. Stupid people.

  13. See ORBS....and I have to go to work in Milwaukee....I told you the weather witch hates me too.

    I hope, Mary, your friends are safe.

    I heard it is ending early. But then I heard from someone else that we are getting several more inches. Weathermen are similar to politicians.....lie and deny.
