Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Open Blog - Wednesday

The middle of the week.


  1. mornin' SER and everybody!
    I was going to shovel yesterday but then it started snowing more so I put it off... will today be the day?

  2. I am up and was out already. The roads are not that bad a little slick in spots. I have to go and get Harley some food and a couple other errands. Oh yes since I have the car I have to go and see Drew for his lunch. I hope everyone has a great day!

  3. Morning everyone. We are having a warm foggy day today. Fine with me as it's better than snow.
    Have a good day everyone.

  4. The Mayor Of No Authority

    “Any fool can make a rule, and any fool will mind it.”

    ― Henry David Thoreau

    Racine Exposed

  5. lizardmom, I hope you didn't shovel. They say we're going to get 6-8 inches tomorrow.

  6. miss froggy and I were able to clear the driveway pretty fast, I didn't want to leave it and it become a icy base after we get hit. This next one worries me. we do have a snow blower but it's kind a big and we're not very compatible :( guess I need to work on that 'relationship' and make friends, maybe it'll be more cooperative then?
