Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Open Blog - Wednesday

"Humday" for a humdinger of a day.


  1. I really should get to bed. Good morning, irregulars.

  2. Good morning to you kk,
    And a good P&P Wednesday to all in JTI land.

  3. Good Morning everyone. I just got home from taking Drew to work. It is very cold out there so if you don't have to go out don't.

  4. I'll take the fifth, drink the fifth, plead the fifth, and go back to my world in the fifth dimension.

    And live there happily all
    alone....until the men in their funny white coats come to take me away haha hehe hoho....

  5. We are getting round one of weather which means it is snowing outside. Of course certain schools are already closed as we have a whole inch on the ground. Only in the south.
    Have a great day everyone.

  6. I remember visiting Austin, TX. When it rained down there, everyone crashed into everyone else like when it snows here.
