Monday, March 11, 2013

Comet PanSTARRS Gets Brighter

I was out again tonight...and Comet PanSTARRS brightened a bit from last night. Tonight it was visible to the naked eye for a while...fairly easily as well. If you haven't seen it yet, try tomorrow night when the comet will be just above the crescent Moon. Unfortunately, I will be traveling but will try to get photos on my layover! Yes, I am that determined!

So here are a few shots from can see a plane passing through a couple of them.


  1. These are so cool, hale. I was wondering if you needed an extended open shutter length to view the "tail." The plane answered that question. Thanks for the share. Love it.

  2. Thanks Hale. I went out to look for it last night but couldn't see it. The weatherman said tonight would be good so we will try again.

  3. The local news last night (KGUN 9) showed a pic of the "comet" on their newscast (not one of my pics although I sent them some). Well, their "comet" was clearly a plane contrail...the photographer even posted multiple pics showing how fast it was moving (way too fast AND in the wrong direction!) Boy, did they get a letter from me last night! Still no response from them.
