Saturday, March 23, 2013

Open Blog - Weekend

Yay! Let's cook a baby.


  1. Feels like all I do is complain about the weather lately... Woke up to 5 degrees out today.. Really need things to warm up and act like spring.. Today Mina and I will be taking it easy because we have caught another cold, it's been almost a month since the last round of colds so its been a good go.. Next week we will be taking a short little cruise to Estonia with the girls, hoping for a little better weather but doesn't look like its going to be the case, so we have back up plans for our day trip in Tallinn.. I would love to walk around there because its an absolutely gorgeous city but not really the thing to do with two little ones when it's nasty weather. Anyways that's my rant for the day.. Gotta go get warm..

  2. I wonder what spices you add to properly cook a baby? ;>

    Happy weekend. It came just in time! Did anyone hear the rumor there is more snow possible tomorrow? I'm done complaining. The weather witch wins.

  3. it's not supposed to be much snow, less than an inch, and hopefully it won't be any at all. I need it to hit the 40's, I can be content with it in the 40's for some time, I don't have to have 60's yet, but something in the 40's would be nice!

  4. If it gets to the 50's i think people will be running around in the shorts and no jackets

  5. It is cold here as well. In fact tonight we are supposed to get some flurries. We'll have to cover the garden. Meanwhile I look outside and see robins playing in the trees that have leaves on them. It just ain't right. "Ain't nobody got time for that".

  6. SER- from what I heard last night we should see the 50's later in the week. I can't wait for that.

  7. 50s would be a heat wave holy wow.. please send that weather here if you happen to get it.. this single digit stuff is not right...

  8. FYI, heard from BLB. She is having difficulty posting to the JTI. The reason for her absence is not related to meeting everyone in person.

    Could be a conflict between several email accounts colliding (Google and their acquisition of info on everyone) ..... or, more likely, it could be the feud she started with Mme. Z.

  9. I hope MMe Z didn't put some kind of a curse on BLB. That would not be nice at all. Hope to hear from BLB soon and that she is alright.

    Why Not?- if we get the nice warm weather I will try to push it your way.

  10. I think it is Madame Z.. But I am calling on my Wizard friend that has more POWER!

    Test...this is a test....1....2...3...

  11. Yay... I fixed it with the help of mind power through transcendental meditation.

    I am away with a very ill step father
    who took a fall and became very critical. I'm living in a fancy retirement village for a bit to help
    mom. Hope to come back fairly soon.
    Missing too much work.

    I was fiending and jonesing for the blog and my fiends ...ummmm...I mean friends on JT Irregulars.

    Don't worry...y'all will be so sick of me again! Ha!

  12. Growing a baby, kk, always had a recipe of baby batter and eggs. After that.... I know I've cooked them many times because they were already in hot water...
    I would add jalapeƱos then.

  13. Ah, if it is a recipe to grow them, maybe we should add some baking soda to neutralize their acidic tongues?

  14. p.s. take good care of mom, BLB, and don't enjoy that retirement mentality too much. It might grow on you. (glad you found your way back on the blog)

  15. The sun has finally come out. Looks pretty outside. Except it's 32 with a 40 mph north wind making it feel like 17.

  16. Kk! Yeah .... Baking soda helps that pH. Great idea! Being neutral can be a good thing! Add filters to what comes out of their mouths! Wish it were that simple!

    Thanks for the well wishes To all who sent them.
    Actually this place has a gym, pool, billiards and a bar
    ( which I haven't used... YET). Great seafood... Lots of
    Very old but wonderful people!

  17. I hurried to get things done yesterday because it was supposed to snow today. I haven't seeen a flake.

  18. Flakes are everywhere , even when it's not snowing!
