Wednesday, March 27, 2013

"Snow Plowing like a Boss in Boston !"

Adult Language Alert!

I can't remember how many times I had to shovel out my parents' driveway because of the plowing. Now I realize that the drivers are evil bastards.


Stoughe said...

wow, a truly disturbed person.. glad they enjoy their work but wow, pretty sadisitic..

Why Not? said...

hi ↑ =)

OrbsCorbs said...

The guy's voice sounds like Dick the Bruiser.

Toad said...

I hope he Is NOW without a job. SOB.

SER said...

I think he made the video just to piss people off.

It’s a ‘catch 22’ thing, people will bitch if their street isn’t plowed and bitch when their cars are plowed in, it’s a lose lose situation for everyone.

I don’t know why they don’t push it back to the curbs and onto the boulevard; so what if some gets on the sidewalks. I would rather see a narrower sidewalk then a one lane street.

MinnesotaChick said...

He was fired after this.

legal stranger said...

How would a gal from Minnesota know he was fired? Inquiring minds want to know?