Monday, April 8, 2013

"It's official: penis size does matter"

"Bianca Nogrady

"After aeons of speculation, science has finally answered the biggest question of all - Does penis size matter? - with a resounding 'yes'.

"Australian researchers have found that penis size is just as important as height when it comes to female assessment of male attractiveness, and that bigger is indeed better - to a point.

"The results of the study, which asked a group of women to rate the attractiveness of a series of computer-generated images of varied height, body shape and penis size, are published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science .
"'We found that flaccid penis size had a significant influence on male attractiveness,' the authors write.
"'Males with a larger penis were rated as being relatively more attractive.'

"'Our results directly contradict claims that penis size is unimportant to most females.'"

Read more:

I knew it. 


  1. So now we can end the charade? hehe. I wonder who came up with the phrase, "motion of the ocean?"

  2. "If this van a'rocking...don't come knock'in"

  3. Hey Orb's, Do you care? I don't. I Catholic, only supposed to use It If you plan on having children. I believe Carole King said "It's too late bay It's too late"

  4. Eye think Ya all need to get a grip on the one eyed, heat seeking moisture missile.

  5. Legal, That's a good one. What If you can't get a grip on It?

  6. Do I care? Well, I'm not trying to attract women, or anyone else, so I guess it's irrelevant to me.

  7. Any man who talks about his penis has an inferiority complex.
