Friday, April 19, 2013

Open Blog - Friday



  1. if he's was the boy next door, I wouldn't have moved out! :)

  2. I continue to be severely under the weather. Missed work most of this week. So sad that I will not be able to attend the festivities tomorrow. :((( You'all sure don't want any of this.

  3. I never had a boy next door like that.
    I'm so sorry I won't get to meet you KK. I hope you get to feeling better.
    I've been glued to the tv this morning and I need to get my rear in gear so off I go.
    Have a great day everyone.

  4. Yes, Mary, so very sad to miss you. Why did this have to happen this time?

  5. For me growing up I am glad that is not the boy from next door. The boy that lived next door was not that good looking.

    KK- Sorry to hear you are not feeling any better. We hope you do get better soon.

  6. Oh no. A get together without kk is like a day without sunshine. We'll have to meet at her house. Everyone wear a surgical mask.

  7. I had to wear a surgical mask today. I have so many new prescriptions it scares me. If this doesn't work, someone needs to put this horse out of its misery. :o
