Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday

The Rock wants you.


  1. he's only missing a smile, he looks a little angry

  2. He started out as a pro wrestler and then went into movies. My girls really like him.

  3. Yesterday was a hard day for me. Two years ago an OKC off duty police officer was asked to remove some rowdy guys in a bar. They ended up beating the crap out of him, leaving him paralyzed. Two weeks ago he was at a Thunder game and looked really good. Almost to the point where he could take some steps. He was so inspiring to everyone. Yesterday he was killed in a car accident.
    Then the bombing happened and watching the news reports brought back memories of our bombing. It is amazing how those raw memories come creeping back. Seeing the looks of the people and knowing that I too looked like that. Although I was no where near the bomb, I felt it and saw the smokey aftermath from my window at work.
    18 years this week and the emotions still come back.

    Then, last night we had two earthquakes. I didn't feel them but Gary did.

    The good news is, at 5:00 today I am on VACATION. And in three days I will be up there meeting my Irregular friends. In sadness, there is always HOPE.
    Have a good day everyone. Thanks for listening.

  4. Yea Mary, yesterday was a rough one. Spent all night watching the news. It was really sad to see tragedy hitting, especially the one family waiting for their dad to finish...the little boy died, his sister lost a leg, the Mom got hit in the brain and another little one was unhurt. Now that is a bad day, I really feel sorry for them.

    I really hope that find the jerks who staged this, but the damage is already been done.

    No P & P for me today.

  5. Jed - I had heard about the little boy but not the rest of the family. Such senseless killing and maiming.

  6. Johnson- a fun actor to watch

    Boston-Senseless Mayhem!
    Identify,find and destroy them!

  7. Mary, I could go on, and on about yesterday's events, and the OKC bombing, and the effect It has on some people, more than others, but, I think some of us just have a very hard time dealing with others hard times. I suffer for day's seemingly by myself after these horrific events. I'm sorry you are suffering for others pain, but that Is who you are.

  8. My heart goes out to those involved. Sorry, Mary, that it unleashed memories from the past.

    I get to a point where I have to turn off the television. I simply cannot and refuse to understand the need to harm innocent others for whatever cause or purpose an individual or group feels the need to be addressed. Terrorism solves nothing.

  9. I've said before that I watched and re-watched the attacks on the WTC until I could take no more. I think something broke inside of me that day. The Boston bombings are just more blood and insanity in our bloody and insane times. We have nutjobs going off violently all over the country.

    Are they still discussing the possibility that the Boston attack was homegrown, like Oklahoma city? Yesterday was tax day and also patriots day.

  10. Orbs - last I heard the one guy they questioned was found to be innocent.
    What I find amusing is "there was a middle eastern man seen running away after the explosions". Apparently no one noticed all the white people running away as well.
    When the bombing happened here, I watched most of the coverage and then I had to get away from it. Lucky for me, I believe Nick at Nite had Donna Reed or My Three Sons on so I watched those.

    OH, AND I'M ON VACATION!!!!!!!!! I have a lunch date with my b-i-l on Thursday when I get in - Kewpees. Yum.
