Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Ship My Pants"

Bump! I bumped this blog because today's Journal Times has a story on the creator of this ad.  He's from Racine: 

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Originally published on April 13, 2013 at 4:42 PM:

I almost shipped my pants watching this.


  1. I shipped my dress once, but it wasn't free.

    Clever advertising, but I can see it being offensive to some people. Especially those who have no control over whether or not they ship their clothing.

    There was a fake SNL skit, called "Oops, I scrapped my pants. " Another video to make you giggle. It was a take off on Depends type products.

  2. Haha... auto-correct *crapped *

  3. That's funny. If I were to ask the question at our K-Mart, I would certainly be arrested. They walk amoung us.

  4. It's kinda ballsy for a U.S. audience. The Europeans have some very racy commercials. The K-Mart commercial is not exactly "family safe" advertising. We laugh, but I could see a lot of people complaining.

  5. that was hilarious!! If people get offended they need to get a sense of humor. great..

  6. Kk did you ship your dress to your mother for further evidence?
