Monday, April 1, 2013

"The Secret of La Chancla"

All my mom had to do was threaten me with the belt and I stopped misbehaving.


Why Not? said...

Hahaha.. yeah, I married into a Mexican family.. La Chancla is a well known tool. So far I have not needed to pull out this tool, time outs have worked.. There might be a day though, one never knows..

kkdither said...

Hilarious! I particularly liked the triple flip flop flip. My dad had a paddle, my mom the wooden spoon... it took only once for me to learn not to cross the line again.

I don't advocate beating children, but we've strayed way too far on the lenient side of discipline for kids.

Sassa said...

I grew up being afraid of everyone..what they would say, do, think. My kids grew up being afraid of their father. Their kids grew up not afraid of anyone. My kids got the wooden spoon which they laugh about now. Their kids grew up with 'time out's. That is why you need two parents..the mom (usually can be conned) and the FATHER figure!

Sassa said...

I had to 'sign up' with google when I posted the above. It wanted my mobile phone number as verification. The number that popped up as verification was the phone number of Gentile Auto. LOL I have no public mobile number.

Toad said...

I was of course spanked as a child, and I'm still alive. I was smacked with a belt as a young teen, and hit across the eyes with It. The reason. I DUCKED, otherwise I would have gotten It In the butt. I got back to school (Mitchell) after lunch, and my Math teacher Mr. W. asked me "What happened to my eye", and I told him "my dad hit me with a belt". He said "It's about time" I lived through that also. Mr. S. the well know principal at Mitchell had to paddle me for screwing off In German class. He was about 6'5 and 300 Lbs. To say that It hurt like hell, Is an understatement. I'm still alive, and have absolutely NO hard feelings toward any of these people. Did I learn from my mistakes. YOU BETCHA. I'm LUCKY to be alive.

OrbsCorbs said...

When I was very young, my mom would hold be by my hand so high that I couldn't touch the floor as she walloped me. I had a bad childhood, but not because of spankings. I wasn't routinely beaten or anything like that.