Monday, April 1, 2013

Useless Information

Fathers love their daughters more then the woman they married 


  1. That one would be hard to back up with fact. Love is totally subjective, and parental love is a whole different entity.

  2. Do women love their sons more than their husbands?

  3. I don’t know if “Love” can really be explained but maybe it can be ‘classified’. As an example: “I could say I love you KK”, and someone may say, SER’s is hit’in on KK. Others may say or their feeling it’s just a show of friendship.

    Can it be where, the way, the tone of voice in which it is said, I don’t know. I feel it’s strictly what’s in your heart…!

    You can take a brother and a sister and they can be at each other so bad as a parent you want to kick both of their butts. BUT if someone outside the family messes with the sister, big brother is right there to mop the floor up with them.
