Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Dear Madame Zoltar

Madame Zoltar has not been feeling herself lately, so she took the day off.  Watch for her column to return next week, same time, same channel.

I apologize for being so late in posting this.  Time Warner Cable is my internet service provider - enough said.


  1. Feel better, Madame. Rest and keep up with fluids. I know how awful it is to not feel up to par.

    I don't have TWC, but my connection has been awful: failure after failure to post, and connection slow downs. I'm blaming my Anti-virus, Maybe mother nature is playing around with ISP's now?

  2. oh dear, just who is the madame feeling?? :)

  3. Madame I hope you feel better soon.

    We have time warner cable for t.v., phone and internet and we have not had a problem. Sorry to hear you are with your internet!
