Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my friendly friends!  How are you?  We finally had some decent weather, but the wind from the north cut like a knife.  Lately, I seem to underestimate how cool it is outside.  Teenagers wearing shorts don’t help matters any.  They will wear them even in the winter.  So I put on something light and then I have to return to retrieve a warmer jacket.  A day or two of some sun does not a summer make.

It seems that things are also heating up in City Hall.  Another round of ethics complaints against Mr. Mayor Dickert has been filed.  Mr. Alderman Kaplan is the subject of a current recall campaign.  The ethics of the Ethics Board are in dispute.  It appears that the city is engaging in systematic racism regarding minority owned bars.  Maybe they think if they shut down all of the black and brown places, “those people” will disappear.  This is what we know from the surface of Racine.  What’s happening below the surface, behind the scenes, is where the big decisions are made.  It’s tragic for the citizens of Racine that the city is run by stinkers.

On Friday, May 10, the Racine Astronomical Society hosts an Open House, 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM, at the Modine-Benstead Observatory, 112 63rd Drive, Yorkville.
“Think outside the cage! Celebrate Racine Bird Day, (on Saturday, May 11, 2013), from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at River Bend as we appreciate the native wild birds flying outside our windows.”

Of course, Sunday, May 12, 2013 is the most important day of the year: Mother’s Day.  Take extra good care of your mother on that day. Get her flowers or candy, or a new Jaguar.  Try carrying her around for nine months and see how you like it.  You should lavish love and praise and money on your mom every day, but even more so on Mother’s Day.  Do you understand that, Junior?  Get the message, Señor Zanza? 

Thank you one and all for stopping by to read my blog this week.  I enjoy your comments so much.  You can say what you want because we are family. 

Things your mother never told you:

“They” are predicting high temperatures in the low 60’s to 50’s, with rain towards the end of the week.  Well, it’s better than snow, or is it?  I hope you all have a wonderful week.  


  1. The weather has been lovely. I'm glad we are getting a spring. I was afraid with the way things were going, we'd go directly into 90 degrees with humidity: from locked in with the heat on, to locked in with the air conditioning.

    "You can say what you want because we are family."
    Okay, I'll go first... I love you Mme. Z., and I mean it! Thank you for your blog.

  2. Mme. Z, thank you for being you.

    Did you have anything to do with Orb winning the Kentucky Derby?

  3. Mr. OrbsCorbs, you know I don't play that way.
