Hello everyone! Welcome back to Four for Fridays! It has been a busy week, working. At times it seemed to have flown by. Anyways, some questions for you...
1) How old is the oldest person you know?
2) What do you like better, ice cream or frozen yogurt?
3) Are you more of a talker or a listener?
4) What class taken in school has proven to be least useful?
Enjoy your weekend!
Moving to Stamford, CT — The Complete Guide in 2025
12 hours ago
1. I had a great-grandpa who lived to be 102. Don't really hang with too many old people anymore. I miss that.
2. Probably ice cream. You don't see frozen yogurt too much anymore. Culver's custard is super, but they've been getting cheap on the portion size.
3. I think I can gab with the best of them....(I try to listen)
4. Trigonometry. Who, but a few select people really use higher math in their day to day lives?
Thank you, drew, for your weekly commitment to help us know each other better. Great addition to the JTI!
1) My grandma was 99 years old and only one month before her 100th birthday and she passed away.
2) Ice cream.
3) For me it would be both. Because I like to talk to people but I do listen to the conversation to.
4) I would say all higher math classes from algebra and up.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
1. There is a lady that gets her hair done the same time I get my nails done. She will be 100 next week.
2. Ice Cream.
3. Both.
4. I didn't have to take math in high school. Maybe Civics???
Thanks Drew!
1) Not sure...?
2) ice cream
3) istener?
4) drafting
1) How old is the oldest person you know?
A. Mr Dirt, he has been around for a while
2) What do you like better, ice cream or frozen yogurt?
A. Ice cream, B/R chocolate almond
3) Are you more of a talker or a listener?
A. Both, so it depends on the company.
4) What class taken in school has proven to be least useful?
A. Music, the only tunes I carry are on a boom box.
Thankx 4 asking and all have an enjoyable weekend.
1. A man named Gus that I worked with In Racine. He has to be near 96.
2. Frozen Yogurt.
3. Talker.
4. Ancient History. Who cares?
Mary, I too didn't like Civics. The teacher I had a Mitchell In 7ht grade thought I was nuts. Go figure.
1) How old is the oldest person you know?
I heard Andromedo77 is over 1000 yrs old. I only spoke to him once
after he called me to congratulate me on a win I had with Bedroom Games. He denied his age but I have my suspicions.
2) What do you like better, ice cream or frozen yogurt?
I love Ice Cream, but I also like frozen yogurt.... all are yummy and I have about 10 pounds of it stored on my body.
3) Are you more of a talker or a listener?
I am both equally I can guarantee. It also depends on my mood and if I like the person. When I don't I just smile and nod and pray to leave.
4) What class taken in school has proven to be least useful?
ART HISTORY not only sucked, but was boring and useless.
SER...are you "istening"? LOL.
Do you plan on doing a follow-up story on the two alderpersons (well, one actually recently got voted out) that were caught in a county park after closing?
Both were married at that time and now within the last two months they have had a baby together, isn’t that precious??
Crooked, dirty, scandalous city hall. UNETHICAL!!!
If I recall, you questioned both of these clowns about getting caught in the park and I believe the female half responded with a smart alec comment asking if you were insinuating something…..Hmmmmmm…..Classy lady.
Please do some investigating and blow the lid on this 9 month + lie!!!!!
I am absolutely serious and positive on this!!
1) My mom had a friend who is in her mid-nineties and still active and independent. She drives her own car.
2) Ice cream.
3) I'm a talker, but AA meetings are 95% listening. It taught me patience.
4) I have 15 credit hours in Calculus. I don't remember it anymore.
Thank you, drew for the questions.
1) I think my great grandmother passed away when she was 96.
2) Ice cream.
3) Listener, however, I can talk your ear off at times.
4) Algebra and geometry. I'm convinced that the only reason that these classes are required is to help our kids with their algebra homework.
Anonymous, we have different authors who put up blogs on this site. Each author is responsible for his or her own blogs. I don't think any of us have done an investigative blog.
I might have made a crack about the situation, but I did not speak to either of the people involved.
If you want investigative journalism, I suggest both Racine Exposed and Racine in Ruins.
If you just wanted to put your allegations online, you've succeeded.
1. i know a lot of old people including BLdirtBasketcase.
2. i scream 4 icecreme
3. i happen to b telepathic!
4. the language of cygnus
anonymous, who is picking up the cost of the new lovechild, is it the taxpayers?
Excuse me Mister Andy....my name is MUD...and that is Mrs. Mud to you!
Excuuuuuuuuse me, BLdirtbasketcase
Andromodo has spoken
BLB...I'm here, I hear what your saying..........
anon, your comment would be better served in an open blog, where anything and everything is relevant, this is not the right spot, soap box getting put away...
now, on to important things :)
1. the women on my mom's side keep going and going. 98 seems to be the average, including a great great aunt still going up in Milwaukee
2. either, as long as it's chocolate, tho frozen custard beats them both (MMM - Kopps!)
3. I'm more a listener, tho I have my days!
4. social studies, zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sorry if I offended anyone.
This story is 100% true.
If people are not outraged by this unethical event, I am shocked. Especially when these two morons tried to make a mockery of the taxpayers when they were questioned.
Good day.
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