Friday, May 17, 2013

Open Blog - Friday

If you get a paycheck like that, I want to be your friend.


  1. definitely not MY paycheck...
    for some odd reason it doesn't feel like Friday, we'll see if that changes :)

  2. I am SO GLAD it's Friday. I've had to work all week and I am worn out. Pitty party.

  3. Mary you are not the only one worn out. We have been moving my daughter out of her dorm room this week and the traveling back and forth with moving her stuff has worn me out.

    This is a busy weekend for us. First we have my niece getting married tomorrow up in Appleton, then Sunday with Drew's work we are going to the Milwaukee Zoo with my son and Grandkids. A lot of driving this weekend. But it will be a very enjoyable weekend for us.

    I hope everyone has a very enjoyable weekend too!

  4. First week back has been a challenge. Thank goodness summer break is right around the corner.

  5. THB - I got worn out just reading everything you have been doing.

    SER - my husband is feeling the same way but the lake where he wants to go is closed due to a movie being filmed there. He is not a happy camper as the boat ramp was supposed to be open today.

    KK - Again, welcome back to the real world.

  6. Hey Mary, Who Is In the movie? Perhaps he can be an extra?

  7. It's a film by William H Macy that has his wife Felicity Huffman in it. Heard they are real nice.
    Selena Gomez is also in it. Comments weren't nice about her.

    I have been notified the boat ramps are open so walleye season has officially begun.

  8. Mary I am sorry to get you worn out with reading what I had written.

  9. Thank you, Mary. As much as we grumble about this or that... it is so nice to back to the real world. Still tweaking the details, but watch out. I'm ready to kick some butt.
