Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my summer delights!  How are you?  We’re finally getting some warm weather, with plenty of rain, too.  It would be hard to not grow something with conditions like those.  “June Is Bustin’ Out All Over.”  The growth is as lush as it gets in Wisconsin.  It’s a great time to “stop and smell the roses.”  Smell a few other things, too. 

Don’t forget to wear your sun block when you venture outdoors.  The sun’s ultraviolet rays can harm you even on overcast days.  A wide-brimmed hat is also a good idea.  Be sure to protect your eyes with appropriate sunglasses.  Damage done now may not show up for years. 

Do not, I repeat, do not shave Goth symbols into your hair like Junior did, and then stay out in the burning sun until all the symbols are bright red.  He does kind of glow in the dark now.  We set him on the porch for a nightlight. 

Twinkies and select other Hostess products are supposed to be back in stores on July 15.  "The Sweetest Comeback In The History Of Ever."  Personally, I enjoy the CupCakes, but there’ll be some changes there.  The new CupCakes will be made from dark chocolate, instead of milk chocolate.  I still expect to gorge on them.  I don’t know why Twinkies didn’t catch on in our household when I grew up.  Maybe they were just too weird looking.  God only knows what’s in the “creamy filling.”   

We’re just over a week away from the 4th of July, one of Racine’s favorite holidays and drunk fests.  Junior will go to the parade for sure, but I don’t know about myself or Señor Zanza.  The noise and excitement can get to be too much.  When it does, I take some Madame Zoltar’s® Atomic Tonic™, the first medicine made from nuclear waste.  Never worry about medicine expiration dates again.  Atomic Tonic’s™ half-life is 3,000,000,000 years.

Thank you, my dears, for stopping by today.  Our time spent together is precious.  I love your company and I love you.

Summertime Blues?

Enjoy the week to come.  “Summertime and the livin’s easy.”  Go out and have “fun, fun, fun til her daddy takes the T-bird away.”  Look both ways before you cross the street, and then look again.  Fadaise!


  1. I wont be buying Twinkies. If you kept up with the story, it was a very political decision to shut down Hostess. Due to mismanagement, and high living at the top, the company was doing poorly. To remedy their dilemma, the solution was to drastically reduce pay for their workers. These jobs were once wage living jobs. When they could not bargain in good faith with their workers, they chose instead to shut down.

    Another company will be making the product. Many people are without jobs. Not a good thing.

  2. The Farmers are the ones that need this rain for there crops. But just watch out for the river because up by 5 Mile road is very high and also by Spring St..

    Is it me or is this year just going by so fast the July 4th is coming so soon. I do enjoy going and watching the fireworks with Drew and the kids.

    I do agree with kk about the Hostess company.

  3. I'd sell my soul for a Twinkee!


  4. DickHead....don't do it.....I've been to Hell and have vouchers to prove it.Many new versions of Twinkies are out. My grocery store has 2 different ones.Haven't tried either yet. Twinkie...unless you are referring to one of the Urban Dictionary's definitions? My fav being:

    The fat rolls on the back of a white mans head. On a black person the same thing would be called HoHos. Haha hoho

    Madame.....keep a double eye on Junior this summer...hopefully he is not going Goth..if he starts playing Casket Ball you be in trouble!

  5. Making some Marzipan!

    Marzipan Bars are available at Larson's Bakery, West Racine!


  6. I'm with Mme. Z: give me the cupcakes.

  7. I loved the Suzy-Q. Dark chocolate was my master even as a child! ;>

  8. Can any of you remember back when the filling in the Twinkies used to be banana flavored?

  9. According to Wikipedia, they originally were banana, but "During World War II, bananas were rationed and the company was forced to switch to vanilla cream." There have been promotions on and off where the banana Twinkie was available, but vanilla was the preferred market. Hmmm. What you don't know.

    Also according to Wiki:
    2.5 grams of saturated fat, representing 13% of the recommended daily intake
    42% sugars
    21% complex carbohydrates
    11% fat

  10. TwinkiesTwinkiesTwinkies

    hmmmmm good hmmmmm good that's what Twinkies are hmmmmm good
