Friday, June 28, 2013

Open Blog - Friday

I am extremely fond of you, too.


  1. I'm feeling a wee bit twitterpated

    short day at work, then I have high hopes of being productive when I get home, or nap... we'll see which happens - Happy Friday!

  2. I'm sorry to drag down the good feelings here, just wanted to give an update on Big Grandpa.. A he has now suffered a stroke on top of a new pneumonia and MRSA in the lungs and experiencing seizures... So things are now moving into comfort care and they will be moving him home to spend his final days there.. This is very upsetting since he was doing so well with the initial injury, but these complications were something we knew could happen and now have... He is such a wonderful man and it aches to have to say good bye but he has lived 83 very active and independent years.

    I am so grateful for the final baseball game we got to watch with him this past weekend, it was nice seeing him sit there and listening to him talk about all of the players.. I am so grateful for the time my girls have had with him.. I loved watching them ru across the street by us to go visit with him ( he liked to feed them cookies so he was quite popular with them and then they would sit and watch old movies with him). I will have to explain all of this to the girls. They obviously know about the accident and we have told them that the situation is not good, but we will have to talk about him coming home to pass away, they have not had to deal with death yet in their lives..

    Anyways I do not want to hog the open blog space, just felt like I needed to write some of this down as I sit here 4:30 am not being able to sleep at the moment...

  3. Why Not, that darn MRSA seems to pop up on hospitals and nursing homes. That and the pneumonia.

    The upside of this is that he can pass at home. It allows his family to surround him with love more openly.

    My heart goes out to you knowing that explaining this to your girls won't be easy.


  4. Why Not ... so sorry. Make his last days good days. I'm so sorry as I have been going thru a similar situation. Prayers.

  5. BTW Sheriff...Summer Love on Friday is the ultimate, as you must agree.

    Love Love Love Love Love Love Love LoveLove Love LoLove Love Love Loveve Love Love Love Love LoveLove Love Love Love

  6. I'm so sorry for what you are going through Why Not. You know you have all the hugs from the Irregulars.

  7. WhyNot- We are so sorry to hear about Grandpa our prayers are with you. I know what you are going through I went through the same thing with my Grandma about five years ago. It is very hard and you know we are all here for you and your family.

    I know the girls are young but they will understand what is happening. Just let them know he will be in a better place and not in all the pain he is going through.

  8. So sorry to hear that things took a turn. Our hearts are with you. If you need anything, help with the girls, whatever, please ask.

  9. THB - Good luck on the job interview today!!!

  10. Why Not, Nothing can be said to make the pain really go away of losing a loved one, but do know, that when your feeling down, and It hurts so bad, that your friends also suffer with you, and feel your pain. The people reading your post have great feelings for you, and ALL of your family. Please remember all of us are just a post away. Knowing little about you, I do know you will help the girls understand that Grandpa Is gone, but ONLY In body, and they can talk to him anytime they wish, he will be listening. God bless all of you, and God speed.

  11. I don't care if Monday's blue
    Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
    Thursday i don't care about you
    It's Friday I'm in love -The Cure

  12. I just got home from my interview and I will not know anything until after the 4th. The interview went really good and the store manager said he was really happy with all my answers.

  13. That's too bad, Why Not. Health can be a real roller coaster for the elderly.

    Good luck, THB.

  14. kk THAT POEM DOES NOT RHYME!!! Did you get a massage and fall in love after the happy ending? If you did are lucky!

  15. Gee, BLB: Love has very little to do with happy endings. The poem is actually lyrics to a song.
