Sunday, July 7, 2013

"Racine Common Council To Consider Eliminating Free Speech"

Bump.  This story is finally being covered by the Journal Times: "Time to be nice? Alderman wants ordinance requiring civility during public comments at public meetings,"
The comments are overwhelmingly negative.

Originally published on May 23, 2013 at 3:29 PM.

From Racine Community Media:

"RACINE- It appears the Racine Common Council will be considering an ordinance that will give Racine Mayor John Dickert the power and control to pick who he feels is 'disruptive', and who is being 'respectable' and who is 'conducting themselves with civility,' during the public comment portion of the Council Meetings.

"The Public Comment section of the meeting is the residents opportunity to address their elected officials, either with gratitude or disapproval.  Sec.2-64 of the Racine Ordinance will also give the Mayor the power to end a speakers time for being 'disrespectful' or 'abusive,' basically giving the mayor the right to gavel anyone down with whom he may not agree with or like.

"We’ve done hours of research watching old Common Council meetings going back over 4 years looking for any sort of personal attacks or abusive remarks by residents or people speaking at the pubic comment section, and we found nothing even close to anyone acting out of line or irrational. So we ask, is this constitutional? What is considered 'abusive' and what exactly is 'a level of civility'?"

Read more:

Party on!


Toad said...

Here In beautuful Mauston, WI. LOL, my daughter and her neighbor went to a City Council meeting a few years back to complain about a lot between their homes having a standing water problem (flooded) and moving on to their properties. It was also a hugh Mosquito issue. They voiced their displeasure to Mayor Brian McGuire, and City Attorney (at the time) John Orton, and after complaining were told to leave the Council Chambers, that they would hear no more. The City Attorney called my daughter the next day, and apologized for the action taken against them. Fine and dandy. What I'm trying to say, Is some of the things that happen In City Council Chambers HAS to be ILLEGAL, but WHO do you complain to, at the State level?

Timt49 said...

Expect the lawyers to be making money on this one.

kkdither said...

Disruptive outbursts, protests, applause. Failure to behave in a respectable fashion (gauged by the mayor) will result in ending the speaker's time or removal from the building. The time alloted will be 3 minutes per speaker.

How much damage can be done in 3 minutes, and how often does something that extreme actually happen? Policy seems to be set up for nefarious use.

This smacks of behavior the current senate practices. Anything they don't want heard or said is just gavelled down, microphones turned off. What have we come to?

OrbsCorbs said...

Dickert has become quite the little despot.

Shootings last night outside of one of the popular white bars. This will mean nothing at license renewal time, whereas black bars are shut down for shooting blocks away from their premises.

OrbsCorbs said...

Like the ordinance allowing only aldermen to carry guns in City Hall, this ordinance is meant to curtail certain behavior before it occurs. Both ordinances solve non-problems. There have been no problems with misbehavior or guns at City Hall. Still, our "representatives" shield themselves from us with contrived laws. Why are they so afraid of the public?

Btw, that shooting was referred to in the journal Times by its address, not the name of the bar. If there was a shooting in front of Park Six, what's the chance that the bar's name would be kept out of the story?

legal stranger said...

Toad - Embarrass the derelict government employees on the web by establishing a permanent web site featuring their bad behavior. Being "fair and balanced", good behavior should also be featured. Also you can use local press and radio to illuminate the anti public acts.
Also learn some tips from Orbs, a master of illuminating to the public the derelict acts of government.

Anonymous said...

I challenge anyone to find an example of insults or threats leveled against any of Racine's elected officials during a Common Council meeting, you won't find any. What this is is an attempt to silence the people of Racine against speaking out in opposition of your local government, it's sick and residents should be outraged. What really gets me is QA Shakoor, the guy is Dickert's pawn in all of this and has been told by Dickert to bring this proposal to the table. If you watch Common Council Meetings you'll see the only insults and degrading statements are made by the aldermen themselves!!! This is so disturbing.

SER said...

My hat is off to the Journal Times for running this article.

The arrogance of our City Council is out of control; I stand corrected, the MAJORITY of our City Council is out of control!

I read all 12 (that’s how many where there when I read them) comments from the readers and not one is for this newly requested Ordinance.

It is long overdue that the council listens to the voters of Racine and start doing what we request and stop all these pet projects.

SER said...

Orbs, I had to laugh about a comment I read about the shooting at Coasters.

The commenter called Coasters a very nice place; apparently they haven't been there in a while. Coasters turned into a shit hole just like the bar across the street!

OrbsCorbs said...

City Hall plays favorites when it comes to bars. Just more corruption.

I agree, it seems likely that this proposed ordinance originated with Dickert, not Q.A. If that's the case, does that make Q.A. City Hall's house Negro?

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."

Unknown said...

Arrested for non compliance.