Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Some More Wildflower Pictures!

I thought I would share some more wildflower pictures with everyone. I hope all of you enjoy the pictures.

This is a Birds Foot Trefoil the picture was taken at Pike River Pathway in Mount Pleasant Wi..

This is Blue Bells the picture was taken at Grant Park in South Milwaukee Wi..

This is a Bristle Thistle the picture was taken at Richard Bong State Recreational Area Brighton Wi..

This is a Marsh Marigold the picture was taken at Chewaukee Prairie Reserve Pleasant Prairie Wi..

This is a White Champion the picture was taken at Horicon Marsh National Refuge Auto Tour Lomira Wi.


  1. Very nice. Some of your close up shots are really spectacular!

  2. the blue bells are my favorite, they look so delicate and cute :)

  3. Thank you. I just enjoy going out and looking for new ones that I don't have and I enjoy sharing the pictures with everyone!

  4. I'd like some of these in my garden.

    Thanks THB

  5. Mary- I would like them too, that is why I go out looking for them since I can't have them!

  6. Nice pictures, THB. Canada Thistle is considered a noxious weed in
    Wisconsin, but apparently not Bristle Thistle.

  7. I will have to look that one up and look for it to get a picture.
