I slept more than I thought I would, and not as miserable as I thought I would be. I wish they used nitrous, just Novocaine and the dentist's wit and singing... They have me vicodin but it didn't do much , switching to advil for today. Youngest thought it was great fun that I could talk, lots of writing :)
I hear you KK. I noticed Thursday when we were driving to a picnic all the businesses that were open. Walmart, Walgreens, convenience stores, etc. God forbid we give people a day off to enjoy a holiday.
the vicoden didn't do a thing, miserable night, little sleep, got up , took 4 advil and so much relief, been find all day, surprising my sister, she's on her way over :)I"ll live, but with advil, forget the supposed addictive stuff, it was like taking water...
Mary, I gagged at the Octopuss, Now I must Gag at Christmas stuff. That's It. I'm staying In forever.
I also want to thank all of you wonderful friends that shared my grief yesterday regarding "RET" I had a wonderful dream this morning. He was romping all over the patio that the J-Wax World Globe sits, with many other dogs, running and jumping, and having a ball. It was quite pleasurable. My other two, Mobe, and Daisy, are In a little funk, but they will be ok. Just gave them a dog bone with peanut butter spread on top. Again Thank You all. You have no idea what you all mean to me.
the only time I had talking was when the goofy dentist asked me questions when I could feel my face, including my nose, We did have much laughter over it, and him trying to figure out what I was trying to say but he finally figured out I was trying to say 'charlie brown's teacher', that's what I sounded like. I didn't talk last night but was fine this morning. Very little drool, sorry to disappoint :) I'm a pretty tough ol' bird if I do say so myself! :) HA!
Not for sleeping. AA talks about "prayer and meditation," which translated into "quiet time" for me. I don't know how to meditate per se, but I used to spend some time every day saying some prayers and seeking spiritual insight and growth.
I think I may be shifting permanently to nocturnal.
Ive always preferred to be nocturnal. It is so quiet, and tv programming is much more entertaining. The only problem I've found is that all the morning people make so much noise just as you finally fall asleep.
I slept more than I thought I would, and not as miserable as I thought I would be. I wish they used nitrous, just Novocaine and the dentist's wit and singing... They have me vicodin but it didn't do much , switching to advil for today. Youngest thought it was great fun that I could talk, lots of writing :)
Up and at 'em...back to Port Charlotte after a long weekend in Walhalla, SC. Beautiful country.
Glad to hear you came through the first procedure okay, LM.
Well, this is the week we are finally supposed to "Officially" hit 100. Except my car showed 104 yesterday.
AND ladies and gentlemen, I was at Hobby Lobby on Saturday and they are putting their Christmas decorations out. My oh my.
I'm up. Have tasks to do today. I've been procrastinating since before the holiday.
Glad to hear you are surviving your week of dental health hell, Liz. If Vicoden is working right, you don't know it until you stop it.
Mary: I am so not ready to even think about Christmas. Are they kidding? I just can't stand the greed.
I hear you KK. I noticed Thursday when we were driving to a picnic all the businesses that were open. Walmart, Walgreens, convenience stores, etc. God forbid we give people a day off to enjoy a holiday.
Oh and on another note, I cannot believe football season starts one month from today. I'm so not ready.
the vicoden didn't do a thing, miserable night, little sleep, got up , took 4 advil and so much relief, been find all day, surprising my sister, she's on her way over :)I"ll live, but with advil, forget the supposed addictive stuff, it was like taking water...
Mary, I gagged at the Octopuss, Now I must Gag at Christmas stuff. That's It. I'm staying In forever.
I also want to thank all of you wonderful friends that shared my grief yesterday regarding "RET" I had a wonderful dream this morning. He was romping all over the patio that the J-Wax World Globe sits, with many other dogs, running and jumping, and having a ball. It was quite pleasurable. My other two, Mobe, and Daisy, are In a little funk, but they will be ok. Just gave them a dog bone with peanut butter spread on top. Again Thank You all. You have no idea what you all mean to me.
LM, Are you drooling down your lip when you speak ala, Dudley Moore?
It's almost noon....
I jinxed myself about never getting caught in the rain...thus
getting rid of my umbrellas in my
HUGH rummage sale.
Won wet wady wunning fwom wurk.
Have a gweat evening.
PS... the lisp is for Lizardmom
or should I say WISP!
the only time I had talking was when the goofy dentist asked me questions when I could feel my face, including my nose, We did have much laughter over it, and him trying to figure out what I was trying to say but he finally figured out I was trying to say 'charlie brown's teacher', that's what I sounded like. I didn't talk last night but was fine this morning. Very little drool, sorry to disappoint :) I'm a pretty tough ol' bird if I do say so myself! :) HA!
I have insomnia big time. I was up till 8 this morning. Couldn't sleep.
Orbs, have you ever tried melantonin (sp)?
Not for sleeping. AA talks about "prayer and meditation," which translated into "quiet time" for me. I don't know how to meditate per se, but I used to spend some time every day saying some prayers and seeking spiritual insight and growth.
I think I may be shifting permanently to nocturnal.
Ive always preferred to be nocturnal. It is so quiet, and tv programming is much more entertaining. The only problem I've found is that all the morning people make so much noise just as you finally fall asleep.
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