Tuesday, August 6, 2013

"Angel Investor Could Give Dino's Its Wings"

From Mount Pleasant Patch:

"Dave Ferderer, grandson of founder Dino Dominici, told Patch Monday that an old friend of Dino's is willing to step forward to help keep the doors of the iconic restaurant open.

"'Dino has helped a number of people through the years immigrate from Italy and set up their own businesses,' he said. 'One of those individuals is potentially willing to step forward to make a deal with the bank to keep the restaurant open.'

"Ferderer said a meeting this morning laid the groundwork for how a deal might be reached, effectively postponing the auction Tuesday of the restaurant's equipment. Only the items with the Dino's name and/or logo on it would stay with the family.

"'We sat down this morning to hammer out the details,' he stated.

"Patch has left a message with a representative from Tri City National Bank, and we will update this story when we hear from them."

Read more: http://mountpleasant.patch.com/groups/racine/p/angel-investor-could-give-dinos-its-wings

Previous blog: http://www.jtirregulars.com/2013/07/dinos-closing-after-60-years-in-racine.html


  1. That would be good news for the family. It must be seen If a restaurant In that neighborhood can continue to operate with limited cliental. They do however have a large property tax problem, and I can't imagine the county/city helping much? The taxes on that joint must be about 12K a year?

  2. From what I understand, Dino's has a good following. They've had to make adjustments to accommodate the deterioration of the neighborhood, but they're still turning a profit. If they can get the mortgage problem straightened out, they should be OK.

    Look at Wells Brothers - right in the heart of the ghetto and they still do well.
