Monday, August 19, 2013



  1. I generally over eat but not pig out. If I do my tummy hurts really bad.

    I do have a tendency to eat a little more of the stuff I like.

  2. Overeating is the reason I don't like to eat at buffets. I don't try to pig out, it just happens. There are too many choices.

  3. I don't eat at buffets often. I used to go occasionally to Old Country Buffet with a guy who pigged out. I can't eat that much.

    My mom knew a woman who sewed plastic bags into her pockets and stole a ton of food at a buffet.

    I once went to the Golden Corral in Kenosha, too.

  4. Golden Corral is really good but the temptation of so many things makes it impossible to not indulge, and you want to get your money's worth.

  5. there was, not sure if it still exists, a Chinese buffet in Kenosha, not far from the Corral. I'm not a big Chinese fan but getting to go to that was a way of me sampling different dishes that I wouldn't be brave enough to order otherwise, and being that I'm not into that cuisine so much, I ate the norm or even a little less, as I wasn't 'stuck' with a whole dish/entree

  6. Okay fine, so we went to Golden Corral Saturday and I ate a lot.
    Just seems odd that I pig out and now this post. What are you guys, the NSA of food police? :}
    Who is watching me?

  7. And I suppose you know about the "incident" as well?

  8. It's really a good thing, that Golden Corral Is 85 miles away In Plover. The buffet, and quality are amazing vs. Old Country.

    In the old day's I would eat until the pump handle shut off. I had pretty much endless capacity.

    Now, I take the expensive items, to get my money's worth, and pretty much nibble on the cheap stuff. I understand Golden Corral has Prime Rib on Sat. now? Probably the rubber stuff?

    Mary, Please share your "incident" with us. As you know "We are Family" COME ON NOW, EVERYBODY SING IT.

  9. Sorry, Mary. The new statistical website we use at the JTI is extremely comprehensive and terribly invasive. We even have video.

  10. KK, I'll bet Mary got into a Tug-O-War with some bitch over a Frog Leg?

  11. I'll have to tell you later as I'm at work.
    I will say this, I wasn't arrested.

  12. I was minding my own business eating my prime rib and shrimp dinner which was very good.
    I had a piece of cherry pie on the table and some young tall skinny prissy bitch went by and took it. Somehow I managed to trip her and as she was face down I crammed that piece of pie in her face. I looked up and someone had banana pudding so I mashed that in her hair along with some Pepsi. She wasn't looking so hot after that.
    Then, Gary managed to get me off of her and she wanted to come after me (believe me I was ready) but the employees stopped her.

    Moral of the story - if a woman wants a Senior Citizen discount she will ask for it. NEVER NEVER offer it as you never know if it was the first time they've been asked. It was and this girl picked the wrong "senior citizen" to mess with.

    Actually I am just kidding about the fight. But I will say this, being asked that question cab put you in a funk for a while, and it did. When did I become a senior citizen.

  13. Too bad the fight wasn't real. I would have loved to see video of it.

    I was upset the first time I was offered a senior citizen discount, too. Now I accept it as a perk of growing older. I even ask for it. Enough shit goes wrong with age that 10 percent off here and there doesn't make up for it.

  14. Mary, I would have stuck with the original story. I actually have seen only one cat fight, and that was at Mitchell Jr. High. I'll tell you what. That's when you wish you didn't have hair.

    I wish you could have seen my mouth drop, when I read you managed to trip her, and you crammed the pie In her face.

    About Frog Legs. They sell them In the Fresh (My ass) fish case at the grocery store. It think they are repulsive. They look the the Torso LESS body of a woman with stockings on with the black stripe down the back of them and no feet. ( my mom used to wear them ) I skipped school the day they dissected the frog In science class.

  15. Restaurants were cited 42 times for temperature issues, whether that was keeping milk and sour cream in a cooler that was too warm or offering hot food from a buffet that was too cold. Holding food at inappropriate temperatures is a critical violation, which means there's a higher risk of food-borne disease.
