"Older chocoholics may have a new excuse to indulge their cravings: The dark stuff not only soothes the soul, but might also sharpen the mind.
"In a study published Wednesday in the journal Neurology, researchers reported that chocolate may help improve brain health and thinking skills in the elderly. The Boston-based team found that older people who initially performed poorly on a memory and reasoning test and also had reduced blood flow to their brains showed improvement after drinking two cups of cocoa every day for a month."
Read more: http://www.latimes.com/news/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-hot-chocolate-healthy-brain-old-age-dementia-20130807,0,4561091.story
Great, even more reasons to eat chocolate.
I knew I bought that Hershey bar yesterday for a reason.
Dark chocolate Is wonderful.
Yay! We'll just ignore the recent study that says high blood sugar leads to dementia: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-204_162-57597671/study-high-blood-sugar-but-not-necessarily-diabetes-raises-dementia-risk/
If I'm going to be demented, I prefer to do it while eating chocolate.
Wasn't the mantra of the 70's, "If it feels good, do it?"
mmmmmm, chocolate! technically health food!
I know I blogged that, too......butt hehe.... I must say that it is my true addiction and has held too much weight on my short frame. I probably have 40 pounds of chocolate on my body and most of it is in my hips and boobs. When my babies nursed, they thought they were drinking chocolate milk. 180 cal/ounce approx.
Give me chocolate, or give me dementia!
Without chocolate I am more demented. You'd think I wouldn't be so fair skinned. I can't blame all the excess lbs. on chocolate, pizza plays into that equation, too.
Soda pop plays a large part in my large belly. When I lose weight, I lose it from everywhere except my belly.
Did somebody say chocolate?
Hershey Bars and beer, great combination
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