Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Fawns From Hell Descend Upon Wisconsin

From Caledonia Patch:

"Man Injured After Fawn Crashes Into His Motorcycle "

Thank God that the DNR is hunting down and exterminating these dangerous creatures.


  1. I see deer on a regular basis in the morning on way to work.

    Just a reminder, they are out there. Keep on eye out, especially along the sides of the road. They tend to come out at night.

  2. Here we go. Macho, Macho, men come up here every year to kill deer, to store In their freezers until It;s old enough to throw away. It costs hundreds of dollars to hunt deer. License, Gun, Bullets, Orange clothes, someplace to sleep, beer, beer, and more beer. In all honesty, all you have to do, Is buy a crummy car, put a rack on the front, and just go for a joy ride on any rural road at night, and you will get your limit within a few hours. Try not to disable the car when you hit the deer, call the local officials, fix your deer for travel, and drive home. Cheap, Really cheap. The part I like the most about deer hunters, Is when they leave the head of the bloody deer hanging out, and laying on the tailgate. Kids really like that also, when they pass them on the freeway, and the bloody deer Is on the roof. I hate hunting season.

  3. Toad , hopefully the wolf can put a little balance back into the Wisconsin ecosystem. In nature, some must die so others can live.

    The DNR version is when you try to save'em, we raid you and kill'em for no reason.

  4. Legal, That Is the way It Is supposed to be. I believe small Farm folks should be able to harvest deer for food, and the POOR people In the Northern half of our state. I just don't find It's a sport to shoot a baited deer with a powerful rife, with a scope, when a person has the ability to purchase their meat. I frankly don't even think small time farmers should need an expensive license. If the CITY folk want to hunt, It should be with Bow and Arrow.
