Monday, August 5, 2013

Open Blog - Monday

It may be one day, but sometimes it feels like more.


  1. One on MONDAY

    Catch me if you can.

    Have a great week irregulars!

  2. Hello. On Friday my pro-biotic drink got dive bombed by a fly. Last night, my glass of wine was again dive bombed by a fly. I don't mind when it's a regular drink but don't be messing with my wine. How rude!

  3. Mary, Just pick the fly out. It won't hurt you. The alcohol sterilizes the fly. BZZZZZ

  4. Yeah Toad, that didn't happen. What made me mad is I had only taken one sip out of it when it happened. You know who thought it was pretty funny.

  5. Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to the urologist we go.

    She's going where no one has gone before. As you get older, the doctors get very interested in your orifices.

  6. Psst, don't tell anyone, but my internet connection has been good for four days. This is the pattern. They send out techs and go over everything in my apartment and can't figure out what's wrong. After about a week, the connection straightens itself out. I tell the techs this. They don't believe me. Just look at my records. It's happened many times before.

  7. Orb's, Maybe they need to do one of those laser jobs on you. It's like a Star Wars drill, made out of light. I happen to know someone that had It done. Worked wonders.

  8. No flies in my wine today, unless I drank it too fast to notice.

    Mom is a wreck today and gets up and cant sleep. I have put on about every Doris Day movie until I want to puke...and, oh yes ...Gordon MacRae and ..... wouldn't be bad if i just got to look at Gordon... the only good thing is he is EYE CANDY...but DEAD!!!

    Best wishes to my irregular buddies and my new buddies on Milwaukee County Corruption. Salute'

    BTW.. please blog on that site if you can or at least take a look!

  9. Ever drink lumpy wine?

    Better than a fly in the eye.

  10. Don't forget to turn your head and cough ORBS. :}

  11. Mary, not your wine! Oh, whine, whine.

    Orbs, eeeeek

  12. Beejay - I might have done a little of that while I was dumping it out. It was just so weird as Gary had just said there was a fly in the room and I looked up in time to see it go diving in.

    This is on top of him dropping a quart jar of tea as he was putting it in the fridge. I thought we had it all cleaned up until I moved something in the fridge this morning. Yeah, guess who gets to clean the fridge tonight? Truthfully, he normally would clean it but he smashed his finger the other day so he is limited.

    Sigh, a womans work is never done.

  13. BLB, Did you watch "The man who Knew too much? Jimmy Stewart. She sings K-sa-ra-sa-ra. Thats phonetic since I don't know how It was spelled. A GREAT movie. When I was just a little boy, I asked my mother, what will I be?

  14. BLB, I looked and It's QUE SERA SERA. Go figure.

  15. My cystoscopy hurt like hell. I screamed loudly and kicked, breaking one of the stirrups. As I was driving home, I peed my pants. And blood is dripping out, too. I called the office and they said that is normal for the next 48 hours. So, I'm going to pee my pants for the next two days? Sure wish someone had told me that BEFORE I had the procedure done.

    Oh, and she found nothing. NOTHING. I see her in six months. And the nephrologist found NOTHING. However, the tests and office fees will run into the thousands.

    If you think healthcare in the US is to make you healthy, you're mistaken. Healthcare is to make as much money as possible. The kidney doctor literally never touched me, but he gets a huge chunk of change.

    They all disiiusion me, they all lie. The urologist wanted to knwo why there was so much fluid in my bladder. I said, "Because you told me to drink a lot of fluids." My regular doctor asked me about my stress levels, then walked out of the office as I was answering him. A lot of these peckerwoods have huge egos. If I treated my customers the way doctors treat their patients, I would have been sued a thousand times over.

  16. The Taxpayers of Racine and Racine County have to pay high rates of property tax that exceeds larger communities in Racine so that the Boaters may have a Marina - at subsidized cost. In turn, those same Boaters respond by throwing their garbage into the Harbor. I guess Jim Ladwig will need to spend some more tax money to clean the garbage out of the Harbor, since the Boaters won't do it themselves.

    From empty oil bottles, water and soda bottles, Styrofoam cups and plates, packaging for snacks and who knows what else - look at the pictures and weep. The people of Racine and forced to PAY and PAY - for a Marina that will likely NEVER return a payback.

    Here is a question - since those boats all have toilets and holding tanks - are records being kept? Are the Boaters dumping their human waste into the Harbor, or the Lake - or is there a collection facility? Is the Racine Health Dept. doing testing - or turning a blind eye?

    Garbage in the Harbor! You PAY - They PLAY!

  17. I peed my pants again. It's better now. Maybe the anesthetic had to wear off.

    Still feels like I'm passing razor blades.
