Thursday, August 15, 2013

Open Blog - Thursday

She must be on her way to the Harley 110th Anniversary Celebration.


  1. it'll be another fun year with their anniversary coming up. The last big one had folks from different countries here and staying in Racine. I got to meet quite a few of them at work, good people, lots of fun

  2. Happy Thursday. Everyone must still be sleeping since they all keep such irregular hours.

  3. I don't sleep for beans at night anymore. Since I was like I suspect a NEW MOM, would be with her child, I was for two years with RET, when he was bad. I hope It doesn't last much longer.

  4. I was up until almost 3 last night, too. Not sure why this happens from time to time, but it does.

  5. I just gave the old computer a scary, deep and thorough wash and rinse... and I don't mean soap and water. I'm so glad it loaded the super highway afterward.

  6. Good luck with the computer, kk.

    Hi, everyone else.

    My sleep is dictated by the noise that the maintenance guys make when they're here.

  7. Love being at the beach... Been walking 3-4 miles per day and enjoying lobster and crab.... I also have not been enjoying some crabby old people who get upset if you do not bring enough dimes and have to cash in dollars..... Funny that men are much nicer than women! I usually find that to be true! There are even old catty broads around here, all made up like Mary Kay. Miss my home peeps!
