Saturday, August 31, 2013

"Belle City Man's 'Ship My Pants' Wins Awards"

From Mount Pleasant Patch:
"Sean Burns is a YouTube sensation, and, unless you remember him from Park High School's Class of 1984, you've probably never heard of him.

"Burns and his creative partner Howie Ronay at DraftFCB in Chicago are the creative forces behind Kmart's "Ship My Pants" commercial that caught fire on YouTube. The pair were awarded four Cannes Lions, the very top award in the advertising world, according to a story in The Journal Times.

“'It actually doesn’t get more prestigious than (Cannes),' Burns told the newspaper. 'In recent years it has become the premier advertising award show in the world.'

"'Ship My Pants' has almost 20 million views as of Saturday evening.

"But Burns wasn't finished. He and his team had fun again playing with words for Kmart, bringing "Big Gas Savings" to life earlier this summer. That ad has almost six million views."

Here's a previous blog on this subject, including the video:

Congratulations, Sean Burns!