Sunday, August 18, 2013

Some More WIldflowers!

I know I haven't posted any wildflowers for a couple of weeks. I have been busy with my daughter she got a job at Walmart and I had to take her back and forth for paperwork and with that I had to take Drew back and forth to work also. I should just put a sign on my car saying taxi for the two of them.

Here are some wildflower pictures I would like to share with everyone.
 I know I have posted this one before the Canada Thistle but what I am doing is showing you the difference between this flower when it has enough water and when it does not. The bottom one with be with out any water to survive.
I have seen this at Richard Bong, Horicon and just along the road side. At first I did not know what it was until I looked at the plant really good then I realized it was the Canada Thistle all dried up.
This is the Compass flower the picture was taken at Richard Bong State Recreational Area. This was right before the Grandkids came down here.
This is the Yellow Monkey flower this picture was taken at Meyers Park. This one is so different and I just had to share it with everyone.

This is Purple Milkweed this picture was taken at Richard Bong State Recreational Area. Until I took this picture I did not know that there are do many different Milkweed plants.
This is a American White Water Lily the picture was taken at Silver Lake Wi.. There are many different Water Lily's also.

When I look up the flowers I have to check everything that means the petals, stems and the leaves. This takes a long time on the computer and with my book making sure I have the correct flower name.

I hope everyone enjoys the pictures and there are more to come still. 


BL Basketcase said...

Such beautiful pics by a talented photographer, Mrs.THB!

OrbsCorbs said...

Very well done, THB. Looking up a plant by its physical properties is a time-honored method for plant identification. You use a "key" (book, chart, pamphlet) to narrow down your choice by the process of elimination.

I've seen water lilies at the Chicago Botanic Garden, but I didn't know we have them in Wisconsin.

kkdither said...

Very nice! Your purple coneflowers adorned my desktop for quite awhile!

I've seen waterlillies in the lakes up north while kayaking. I don't think they are natural wildflowers, but placed there by property owners. Still very beautiful.

Tender Heart Bear said...

Thank you everyone for the very nice comments.

Daddy Orbs- Most of the time when I look them up I have a Wildflower of Wisconsin site that I use. But when I can not find on there I just type in the color of the wildflower with pictures to find them this works a lot too.

Kk- Thank you for sharing that about the purple coneflowers. I am glad you are enjoying them also.

Everyone feel free to download any of the wildflower pictures that is why I am posting them too.