Friday, September 13, 2013

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Four for Fridays! It has been a busy week, at times very hectic. Overtime crept in and is making me tired. Thank God, I sleep in tomorrow. Anyways, your questions....

1) If a movie were to be made about you, what actor/actress do you think should play the role of you?

2) How about what actor/actress should play the role of others in the JTI?

3) What do you think it takes to be a good boss?

4) Do you utilize any forms of meditation? If so, what?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. I guess I will go first.

    1) I guess with my wacky attitude it would be Roseanne when she had her show.

    2) I really don't have a clue.

    3) To have everyone work as a team and not be yelling all the time. Talk to the people and treat them the way you would want to be treated.

    4) No.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  2. 1. Mark Harmon

    2. Mary, Carol Burnette
    SER, Carroll O'Conner
    Orb's Jack Klugman
    KK, Meg Ryan
    BLB, Goldie Hawn
    Drew, Mick Jager
    THB, Archie Bunkers Wife
    Beejay Bea Arthur
    Legal Paul Newman
    Lizzard One of the "Two Broke Girls"
    Hale Professor from "Back to the future"
    Jed Bob the Builder

    If I missed someone I sorry. I will add when I remember everybody.

    3. Someone that appreciates their workers, but expects them to do what Is necessary to get the job done, and NEVER say "It's not my job"


  3. 1) If a movie were to be made about you, what actor/actress do you think should play the role of you?

    For Jti fantasy, of course it would be the good cop after the bad cops, the likes of Roy Schneider in Blue Thunder.

    2) How about what actor/actress should play the role of others in the JTI.

    Thanks Toad for a good format

    Now this one is fun, but maybe not for you :)

    Mary, Carol Burnette, CHECK
    SER, Carroll O'Conner, CHECK
    Orb's Jack Klugman, GOOD - or WALTER MATHOW
    KK, Meg Ryan, good - or for consideration, as the weather witch- Margaret Hamilton lol
    BLB, Goldie Hawn - perfect - or BLB can also be the weather witch.
    Drew, Mick Jager-YEP
    THB, Archie Bunkers Wife - nice - OR H0W ABOUT.........Elena Kucharik of the Care Bears
    Beejay Bea Arthur, or how about Sharon Stone
    Toad- Clint Eastwood as the Enforcer
    Lizzard One of the "Two Broke Girls" -good- or how about Meryl Streep
    Hale Professor from "Back to the future" like it - or how about the professor on Gilligan's Island
    Jed- Bob the Builder -OR- the Unknown Comic
    Timmy T- The comic character Underdog

    3) What do you think it takes to be a good boss?

    To be a good listener and make a decision

    4) Do you utilize any forms of meditation? If so, what?


    Thanks Drew for asking, have a great weekend Irregulars

  4. Adding Minnichick to list

    Minnichick - Julie Benz

  5. I would take either of them, Legal Stranger!

    1. Odd I was just thinking about this at the gym this morning and all I could think of was Meryl Streep...she can do anything.

    2. I think I could cover everyone else with my improv troupe here in Tucson.

    3. A good mentor is a good boss (that's surprisingly un-snarky for me).

    4. Not really, but some would count running.

  6. Everyone is forgetting Drew and I have one for him David Wenham his name in the Lord of the Rings is Faramir.

  7. 1) Curly from the 3 stooges

    2) No comment

    3) Honesty and equal fairness

    4) Beer and tequila

  8. The really fun part was the fact, I have never met any of you. I saw SER years ago bowling, but beyond don't know anything other than what I have seen, and In some cases heard from the group. I really enjoyed the question, and It was perhaps the best one I been asked. Imagine dissecting my brain to find out how I came to these conclusions.

  9. 1) Marlon Brando

    2) I don't know.

    3) Know your employees strengths and weaknesses. Praise them for work well done.

    4) I like legal's answer: sleep. I try to do a little quiet time in the evening.

  10. 1) If a movie were to be made about you, what actor/actress do you think should play the role of you?

    I am told I look like Diane Keaton
    but I would pick Pamela Anderson.hehehe.
    Goldie Hawn is acceptable.

    2) How about what actor/actress should play the role of others in the JTI?

    Orbs..Denzel Washington... it is all in the teeth where the resembelance is found.

    Lizardmom...Rachael Ray

    KK.....Glen Close

    SER....Sir Mix a Lot singing "i like big butts"

    Mary...Lily Tomlin

    Minnie Chick....Frosty

    Legal Stanger... Harry "Plotter" OR "Johnny "Holmes" Cockran

    Drew.... Frank Zappa

    THB...Tippi Hedren from "The Birds"

    Dick Head...Michael Douglas

    3) What do you think it takes to be a good boss?
    There are none.I have no role models to compare.

    4) Do you utilize any forms of meditation? If so, what?
    Sleeeeeeep or vodka.

  11. My computer went offline for a time
    and I did not get to finish.

    KK, paybacks are hell, after you posted that naked sledding picture of me at the JTI party in the trailer court. : )

    BeeJay...Suzanne Pleshette
    Hale Bob....Leonard Nemoy
    Jed...Buddy Ebsen
    Dodgeboy....John Schneider
    Anonymous....Ted Bundy

  12. BLB, The Ted Bundy really made me laugh. Sick humor I guess. OHHH, I like Suzanne Pleshette I like Lily Tomlin, and Glen Close scares the shit out of me.

  13. Blb - with so many hiding under anonymous on Jti, your portrayal of anonymous to be Ted Bund would surely bring a rise of serial rapes and murders.
    Of course anonymous could live in Chicago or Milwaukee, therefore raising credence to your claim.

    Or.....Maybe,........ Al Bundy is more appropriate.


    Dodgeboy- Steve McQueen in the movie Bullitt ....classic '68 dodge charger

  14. But then, Legal, we would smell feet more... hmmmmm.

    Glen Close is cool, but scary.
    KK must be mad at ME!!!! Maybe I should have said CHARRRRRRRRROOOO!
    Remember her?

  15. 1) I guess Tender Heart summed it up for me... David Wenham.

    2) Honestly, I haven't given this much thought. Yet, I believe that Matthew Gray Gubler (Criminal Minds) is a dead ringer for Hale. Gwyneth Paltrow looks great to be kk. Charlie Sheen could be legal. Others I would need some SERIOUS thought.

    3) Able to WORK with his employees as a team, not against them.

    4) Beer.

  16. I am surprised how many did not put much in that question.... would have been great fun.

  17. Blb, the unanswered irregulars have until next Friday to add input, the deep thinkers are still plotting their answers.

    I am waiting to see how anonymous(s) are going to respond in the next several days.

    As Toad is thinking , how many irregulars will survive Ted Bundy during the next several days.

    Drew, remember I don't even like taking aspirin when I am in extreme pain.


  18. Al Bundy would be good for me. The Born loser.

    kk - a young Martha Stewart
    Lizardmom - cheery Reese Witherspoon
    SER - Benny Hill
    drew - Eric Clapton
    THB - Roseanne is fine
    Hale - professor from Gilligan's Island
    Mary - Lily Tomlin sounds right
    Beejay - Sandra Bullock
    Toad - Peter Finch ("I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.")
    Legal - John Wayne
    BLB - Diane Keaton is good
    Jedwis - Tom Hanks
    Timt49 - Clint Eastwood
    Richard Head - Michael Douglas in Falling Down

    I thought of a joke too late to post. For question four, "Do you utilize any forms of meditation? If so, what?" I should have listed my psych medications.

    1. New one for Blb......... Whooping Goldberg....the resemblance is in the teeth

  19. I found these questions to be very difficult to answer. Toad, you did a great job!

    1. Meg Ryan might be a little too wholesome. Martha did time... hmmm. Maybe Kathleen Turner or Glen Close could fit the Irregular profile?

    2. I wouldn't venture to project someone for others and risk offending. You are all uniquely yourselves, and for that, I cherish you as friends.

    3. A good boss would praise a job well done. That goes much further to enhance ptoductivity than ignoring or pointing out deficiencies.

    4.. Does listening to the voices in your head count? At first, I read it to say medications. Either way, I'm going to hide behind the Hipaa privacy rules.

  20. "Orbs..Denzel Washington... it is all in the teeth where the resembelance is found."

    I have false teeth. Maybe he does, too?

    kk, that's why I said a young Martha Stewart, before she became greedy.

  21. Lol, orbs... I considered Martha to be more worthy with her "flaws."

  22. Well it s only blogging. For fun.... I don't know how I could have insulted anyone, if u are referring to me
    If you dish it out you have to take i

    Have a great day

  23. And btw ... At least I did not leave people out .
    All should be included.
    That is bringing something to the table for all....
    Even if they show up empty handed.

    Good day

  24. BLB, I hope you don't think I'm upset or angry with you. I'm not. I have developed pretty thick skin from working with angry teens. I actually thought your comments were fun!

    I'm not big into celebrities, never read People or watch TV celebrity shows, so to pick people who are alike would be difficult for me.

  25. Ok thats cool... I like to retaliate in a fun way ALWAYS.... I would never hurt anyone on purpose. know you are beautiful and don't have to be told!! I did not have to put Ann Margaret ( in 2012....hehehehe)

    Some things I say I expect to get slammed...hahahaha)
    At times comments are ignored by many when one is deserved back....not just for me but have noticed it many times over for others as well. I like to do the slamming as well, as it is great fun. : )

    Game On!!

    GOD, I thought I got everyone!!!! I'm so sorry WHY NOT!!!!

    She deserves the top of the ladder
    for that.... Ingrid Bergman!
    Jag är ledsen!!!!
