Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"George Orwell - A Final Warning"

Uploaded on Jun 3, 2011
"From the 2003 Television docudrama: George Orwell - A Life in Pictures."

That's a bit of a downer.  I don't know if there are enough people of character to prevent future disaster.   And if there are, are they willing?


  1. "Alway's, there will be the intoxication of power" Oh, so true It Is.

  2. It's here and worse than you realize. Racine is being asset-stripped by it's most corrupt administration - they are bold enough to put it on full display for the camera. It's easy when the Ethics Board has your back, and the DA is both eyes blind.

    Did Mayor John Dickert violate the City of Racine Code of Ordinances – YET AGAIN, by calling for another vote on the Communication from the Meredith family appealing the decision of the Cemetery Commissioners on August 29,2013 denying their request to purchase and plat a circular parcel of land at Mound Cemetery for burial sites. (Res. No. 13-0383)?

    Point of Order Mayor Dickert

    Racine Exposed

  3. If the plot is truly Native burial grounds, then by law the city does not own the land, it is sovereign nation land of the Native tribe and cannot be sold by the city, and also become a Federal matter.
