Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Moon, Saturn and Venus

Monday was cloudy here so I missed the very close conjunction of the Moon andVenus. Tuesday was cloudy most of the day but I got a gap in the clouds right after sunset and was treated to the Moon next to Saturn. Venus was below and to the right of  Saturn. Here are a couple of quick pics from last night. 

One thing I enjoy about these pics is the way the clouds are illuminated. Notice the clouds near the Moon have a different color due to the nearby Moon illuminating them. The other clouds are illuminated by the last light of the setting Sun and (unfortunately) the lights of Tucson.

This second shot is slightly wider. Below Venus and right next to the tree you can see the bright star Spica.
1239861_10153194126030104_1804357986_nTonight the Moon will be higher in the sky and the Moon, Saturn and Venus will lie roughly along the same large, sweeping arc.

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.


OrbsCorbs said...

Very nice shots, hale. Your photography is amazing.

drewzepmeister said...

Nice photos Hale!