Thursday, October 24, 2013

"Judge rejects stay on Racine hotel eviction order"

CREATED Oct. 22, 2013

"RACINE, Wis. (AP) -- The attorney for a woman who ran up a $29,000 bill at a hotel in southeastern Wisconsin says a judge has denied his request to stay an eviction and his client can be kicked out any time after Thursday morning.
"Jana Ganjian has said she checked into the Racine Marriott in 2004 after her house went into foreclosure. Ganjian has a lupus-like disorder and receives monthly disability benefits, which she says she used to make some $89-per-day payments.
"A judge granted the hotel's request for eviction earlier this month.
"Attorney Joseph Seifert said Tuesday that he asked the judge to stay the order because Ganjian has nowhere to go. Seifert says that motion was denied, and Ganjian must leave the hotel before Thursday or risk the sheriff removing her."

Time's up.  This is all over the net. has a story on this as well as news sites and blogs worldwide. Are they going to evict her today or wait awhile in the hope that the publicity will die down?


  1. I don't understand why she was allowed to stay there that long. Surely there are services that could have helped her. The question is, did she ask?

  2. Maybe she'll squat in the ER for nine years.
