Friday, October 25, 2013

Open Blog - Friday

Ah, Friday.


  1. Fish Fryday.

    Have a remarkable day.

  2. not happy :( started early evening, asthma kicked into high. I'm stubborn (like that's a new revelation...), and tried holding out til I could call the dr at 8am fri. by 9:30 I knew I was in trouble. Hubby took me in to the ER in Franklin (Racine's SUCKS - they don't care if you die...). What a night and day difference! they were attentive, and wonderful, I'm so wow'd. I'm shaking like there's no tomorrow, but that's what 2 hours with a nebulizer will do. once I get the shaking a bit more controlled, I"m off to bed, yes, I've pretty much been up since earlier than this yesterday... nitey nite

  3. Hope you feel better LM.

    It's FRIDAY!!!!! Two weeks from today............

  4. Liz, I really hope you are feeling better. It is frightening when you can't get enough air. I'll have to remember the Franklin information. I suppose dealing with constant inner city violence has a tendency to change how you view patients. Dealing with that 24/7 naturally hardens a person.

    All is well on my end. Let's keep it that way... and again, I claim the 5th!

  5. I'm up, feeling better, still a bit tight but definitely better. I was prescribed a high dose steroids so by early next week, I should be super woman!

  6. Lizardmom and Charlie are on performance enhancing drugs.

    I hope you feel better soon, lm.

    One of the times I was in the ER, a guard told me about the Franklin ER. She said, "You can wait here for hours or go 15 minutes down the road to Franklin and get served right away."

  7. LM- I hope you feel better soon.

    Drew actually has the weekend off after working ten hour days this week. Tomorrow we are going to Illinois to see my cousin that has moved back home. I haven't seen him in years.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  8. Today is the last Friday before Halloweenie
