Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday

Happy October!


  1. Oh my, I'm seeing spots! Supposed to be warm one today. Stay safe in your travels, Irregulars.

  2. Happy First Day of October everyone. And with that come the abortion protesters behind our fence. They are driving the dog and me crazy. But the weather is great and that is good.

    Have a great day everyone.

  3. Got to love it...starting Oct by taking the 5th.

    Have a P & P day everyone.

  4. Good morning irregulars!
    That's all folks!

  5. Just to let everyone know, my cyclic vomiting syndrome kicked in yesterday and I was puking all night. I'm going back to bed.

  6. Our irregular thoughts are with you Orbs.

  7. Hopefully it will pass soon. Have you ever tried Coke syrup? When we were little, the doctor told my mom to give us one teaspoonful of the condensed syrup. It was remarkable in how quickly it soothed a messed up digestive system and stopped vomiting. I know you've tried many things, but with this "do no harm" remedy, you shouldn't hurt anything if it fails.
