Friday, November 22, 2013


You know any LOCAL newspapers that remind you of this?


  1. For some reason Sarah Palin comes to mind.

  2. The John Dickert Times, of course.

  3. I still miss the Racine Post. I didn't agree with all of their politics, but they didn't shy away from digging for the truth.

    The Journal Times' collusion with Lying John to keep the truth from Racine's citizens is criminal, or should be. They make a mockery of journalism.

    Today's world belongs to the unethical and immoral.

  4. Yes, Pete and Dustin,did a good job of investigative journalism. At the JDT, nearly all of their reporters are young, inexperienced and most importantly draw low salaries. Most work a year or two and then move on. Can't blame them with management censoring your stories to make Comrade John look good.
