Friday, November 1, 2013

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone and welcome back! Another week has gone and another Friday is here... Sort of like a ritual huh? Anyways, your questions below....

1) Are you planing to hand out candy to trick or treaters this year?

2) What is the best Halloween costume you ever wore?

3) What kind of Halloween pranks you have pulled?

4) What MOVIE comes to mind when you think of the '60's?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1) No. I live in an apartment building.

    2) The Invisible Man. I didn't want to go to a Halloween party, so my wife went without me and introduced other celebrants to the empty space besides her as me in an Invisible Man costume. She said everyone commented on what a great job I did.

    3) Very bad ones, a long time ago.

    4) Easy Rider and/or Woodstock.

    Thank you drew and have a great weekend.

  2. 1. No beggars came to my door..although, I was gone til 8. I haven't had any trick or treaters for a few years.

    2. When I was a small child, my Mom had a trunk of her grandmother's clothing. Velvet jackets, long satin skirts and shoes from the mid 1800s. I dressed quite grandmother was very, very petite and her mother even more so.

    3. Hate to admit this...none. Lol.

    4. I remember so silly Beach movies with Frankie Avalon and Annette...Spring Break....dumb ones.

  3. 1) No live in an apartment complex!

    2) Not having to wear one.

    3) More than anyone can imagine. Yes I was a naughty girl when I was younger.

    4) Bonnie and Clyde or Viva Las Vegas

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  4. 1. No. For 3 hours the dog's go nuts.

    2. Don't know of one.

    3. ALL bad ones. We however never caused PERMANENT damage.

    4. Dirty Harry

  5. 1. We had about 7 kids last night, all with their parents and all cute and nice.

    2. Can't think of one.

    3. No.

    4. The Sound of Music.

    Thanks Drew!

  6. 1. Maybe the first half hour when the little ones are out with parents.

    2. I won a prize for being a hippie, a long time ago.

    3. None that I can mention.

    4. Gidget, 101 Dalmations

  7. 1) In an apartment complex with security doors-nope.

    2) I think it was a loin costume I wore when I was a little boy.

    3) Too many of them.

    4) The Graduate

  8. 1. We always buy a little bag of candy for kids in case they come by but it's usually only 1 or 2 if any (not a normal thing here in Sweden)

    2. I like my mummy costume I made.

    3. I dont think I have ever done a Halloween prank.. I think I missed out on that..

    4. I cant say anything jumps out at me.. but not being a child of the 60s I dont have the same connection to the movies of that time..

  9. 1. Haven't handed out candy in years
    2. Customes come and go, nothing stands out in my waredrobe
    3. Greased the broomstick so the witch would fall off
    4. Bullitt - loved the car chase

    Thanks Drew for taking the time.

  10. 1) Are you planing to hand out candy to trick or treaters this year?
    They never come to my house anymore
    after the last incident because the cops won't let them per terms of my probation. ( see #3)
    2) What is the best Halloween costume you ever wore?
    a Dead Bride

    3) What kind of Halloween pranks you have pulled?
    Nothing too much( I thought) other than rotten eggs that were tossed gently on toddlers last year after I robbed the candy bags. Of couse I did this after jumping out my window covered in blood. It works best on kids 3 and under. Some jerk reported me.

    4) What MOVIE comes to mind when you think of the '60's?
    It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963)
