Monday, November 18, 2013

Local Loyalty - Rely Local

Today, I did my 1st interview, of many to come, in this series.
I met with Nick and Donna, who are the heart and soul of Rely Local.
You've probably seen the logo in many businesses around town. If you're like me, you weren't sure what it was all about. I hope my rendition of it does justice to the huge effort and immense amount of work that has gone into making it what it is today.
My goal of this series (with almost infinite possibilities), is to highlight local businesses, privately owned (no chains, no big box, etc). I like to know about the places I go to, and about the people behind them.
Here is a link to the Rely Local site, which can probably explain much better than I, what they are all about. 

Rely Local

What you will find in the above link, is what can happen, when people are passionate about helping local businesses grow, and people help each other.
This is what 3 years has produced, and it's mind blowing, at least to me.
For $15, you can purchase a Rely Local Rewards Card. It's better than buying an entertainment book (WAY lighter!), and it's good at all participating businesses, of many varieties. Between Racine and Kenosha, over 500 businesses are members! Can you name that many businesses? I can't, and there are more joining all the time. The businesses that sell the cards, receive $10 from each card they sell, and most donate that money to local charities, how cool is that??
Rely Local offers cheap advertising, using local media, print media and other outlets, saving our local businesses lots of money, helping them grow and get their names out there.
There are deals of the day, regular deals just for using the card, many perks. I bought mine today and can't wait to see all that it offers.
Please check them out and help support our local businesses, they need us!
Tomorrow, I will hopefully get another post up about something Rely Local is doing to help support these businesses while giving free rides!
Stay tuned!


  1. That is the link to the base that started it all from the very beginning. It's HUGE!
    If you click on "find a campaign", you'll see all the states and cities that are part of promoting their areas. When you click on Racine, it takes you to the site that covers Racine and Kenosha, the one that Nick and Donna has loving grown over the last 3 years.

  2. Tip #1 = Always use hyperlinks that are relevant.

  3. Complaint #1 =

    I am looking for a Bookstore. There is no listing for "Bookstore". Therefore - Rely Local lists no "Bookstores" -

    OH WAIT - Under Apparel and Accessories is listed Anything's Possible Eco-Friendly Books, Gifts and Art

    "Where creativity meets purpose."

    Our Mission: To provide an open community for artists of various genres to meet, teach & share their talents & passion for all forms of art. Additionally, creating a venue for sales and workshops for artisans that use repurposed (recycled) and/or eco-friendly materials to fashion their art, or create a product, which assists in saving the environment or bettering ones health.

    This will be a place for all artisans! Musicians, writers, all art mediums, as well as healthy living products. Workshops, classes, writer's groups, book discussion groups, poetry nights, musical events, it's all happening here! There is also a workshop/meeting area available for rent. Contact Marie for all the details.

    New items will be available all the time, so stop often!
    Always welcoming new artists that fit into the shops mission and consigning books daily.
    Watch for all the great, unique,exciting and eclectic events and items to be available, because anything's possible!

    Well, I suggest that Nick and Donna add a listing for BOOKSTORE and place the address/community on the first page. Some businesses may also fall under more than one listing - they also need to include them there. I hope they are listening - because if I looked for a local Bookstore - well, I wouldn't find one at Rely Local.

    AND - this is at 237 Main St. - Racine, WI.

  4. Complaint #2 No listing for Jewelery.

    Dimples Imports, Gifts & Fashions - and everyone in Racine knows Dimples in Downtown Racine - is listed under Apparel and Accessories - but I NEVER think that way - I think - gemstone jewelry from India and the couple's bread-and-butter is the jewelry, which is actually made by Dimple's family members, who are silversmiths in India.

    Maybe it is just me - but would YOU look for Jewelery under Apparel and Accessories?

    NOW - there is a breakdown into sub-categories under Apparel and Accessories - and I see Jewelers.

    Also denote address and if it's Racine OR Kenosha.

    I suggest to Nick and Donna that this sub-category be displayed under the major heading BEFORE businesses are displayed. The site is NOT user friendly - and they need to make it so - ADDRESS THE CUSTOMER!

  5. Complaint #3 - while numerous Bookstores are listed under Apparel and Accessories - the subcategories are: Bridal, Consignment Apparel, Jewelers, Kids, Maternity, Men's, Shoes, Women's.

    NO Bookstore.

    It makes NO SENSE.

  6. Rely Local needs to address the problems with their website and provide an address that brings people right to the businesses in their town - with the proper categories and the sub-categories spelled out right form the start.

  7. Complaint #4 - I clicked on Racine City Bus Advertising - and well, click on the link and see what you get.

    It ain't got nothing to do with no advertising on a Racine City Bus.

    Always check your links to be sure they work!

  8. Take a look at Racine Night Out for a friendlier site!*

    * When searching for Bars, Restaurants, Music, Entertainment.

  9. LM, call RAMAC, they should be able to give you a list of new businesses in the Area

  10. Richard - deep breaths

    I was just tickled that it was a clickable link, I haven't been able to make those work in the past. I thought I had the link to the Racine site only to find it was the original origins, which after reading, thought it was quite interesting and more thorough yet. Did I mention they have accomplished all this in just 3 years? They are working very hard to update and improve all the time. Please don't be so quick to attack and find the negatives, there are so many more positives. This is a work in progress and I'm learning and sharing as I go as well.

  11. UM, That's no attack - and my comments are really meant for Nick and Donna.

    My friend, who always complained that there is no bookstore Downtown did not know Anything's Possible was in Downtown Racine.


    Pointing out that there is no listing for Bookstores?

    That there is no sub-category for Bookstore under Apparel and Accessories?

    That's a fact. Everything is a fact - the website is difficult to use - people want something quick and simple. I have provided FEEDBACK for Nick and Donna.

    It is no criticism of you either - except the tip to give links to where you ULTIMATLEY want the reader to go.

    Who else commented on Rely Local?

    SER advised you to go to RAMAC.

    Learn the difference between CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM (FEEDBACK) and an attack.

  12. constructive criticism is a combination of BOTH positive as well as negative, otherwise it is just criticism. using so many comments and lengthy ones, without a single positive, is just criticism. I'm not mad at you, Maybe one day we'll meet, maybe that will impact the interactions as well. You do come across as quite harsh, but it's hard to really know somebody thru print alone.

  13. You do come across as quite harsh

    = Man of Action.

    I don't use Rely Local - I find their website difficult to navigate - I won't be going back.

    Let's see how long Rely Local is in the Community - because I think my experience was typical.

  14. Let me begin by saying that I find shopping to be a task, not a pleasure, like some people.

    My previous, interaction with this website (months ago) was not a positive one. I found the same issues when I returned via the link provided. Besides being difficult to navigate, it seemed that the advertisers I found were not places I have an interest to frequent.

    I'm also not a fan of having to purchase (or invest) in a general discount card to potentially receive future discounts. It also seemed like you had to research what deals were offered from each advertiser, print out coupons, take them with you... and then shop. Who has time or patience for that?

    While I like the idea of supporting local business, I don't think this is for me. I have used Groupon and it worked flawlessly, but even at a 50% reduction, it was more effort than I cared for.

  15. I don't know a damn thing about any of this.

  16. I get the apprehension of buying a card, but if you compare it to Sams, which is at least $40 a year, (having to buy a card to save money) $15 isn't bad, if you found a few places that give you 10% off every time you go for having the card, it's not bad. It may not be for everybody but it could save some a decent amount, as well as helping the places they frequent.

  17. wow, I am with Richard H. on this one. technology abuse. waste of time as is. what is it?
